Forty Days and Forty Nights in Yemen
By Ta-Ha Publishers
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- Author:
- Ethar El-Katatney
- Publisher:
- Taha Publishers
- Format:
- Paperback
- Language:
- English
- Age Range:
- Adults
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Tarim is the setting of a forty day Dowra (intensive course in traditional Islamic sciences) that was attended by Ethar El-Katatney in summer 2008 for the purpose of religious learning and self development. This photo-diary weaves together her life-changing experiences, the fascinating people that she met, the historic places she visited and a few of the pearls of wisdom that were passed onto her by the respected scholars that she was privileged enough to spend time with. The reader is given a portrait of a place where real Islam has penetrated the heart of the people and is truly a way of life.
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