  • Bidaya-Writing-Activity


    Bidaya Writing Activity تدريبات الكتابة

    كتاب مساعد للطالب باللغة العربية والانجليزية يحتوي على أكثر من 50 كلمة إضافية لكل درس في الكتاب الأساسي ويستفيد منه الطالب للتدرب على أكبر قدر من الكلمات لتقوية مهارة القراءة ، يستفيد منه المعلم عند تطبيق النشاط الجماعي مع الطلبة كمخزون إضافي للكلمات ...

  • Bidaya Reading Book


    Bidaya Reading Book

    Bidaya Reading Book is a perfect book for students who want to practice and master Arabic reading and grammar. This book contains more than fifty additional words in each lesson. These words cover Arabic grammar and cases while maximizing exposure to new...

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  • Bidaya Textbook


    Bidaya Textbook

    Bidaya Textbook  is a perfect book for the students who want to practice and master Arabic reading and grammar. This book contains more than fifty additional words in each lesson. These words cover Arabic grammar and cases while maximizing exposure to...

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  • Bidaya-Workbook


    Bidaya Workbook

    In this book, you will find 50 additional words, including all the rules and cases, per lesson. This is aimed to help the teacher in building a word bank with as many words as possible so that they can properly train their student.Objectives of This book...

  • Bidaya-Writing-Activity


    Bidaya Writing Activity تدريبات الكتابة

    كتاب مساعد للطالب باللغة العربية والانجليزية يحتوي على أكثر من 50 كلمة إضافية لكل درس في الكتاب الأساسي ويستفيد منه الطالب للتدرب على أكبر قدر من الكلمات لتقوية مهارة القراءة ، يستفيد منه المعلم عند تطبيق النشاط الجماعي مع الطلبة كمخزون إضافي للكلمات ...

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  • Bidaya Reading Book


    Bidaya Reading Book

    Bidaya Reading Book is a perfect book for students who want to practice and master Arabic reading and grammar. This book contains more than fifty additional words in each lesson. These words cover Arabic grammar and cases while maximizing exposure to new...

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  • Bidaya Textbook


    Bidaya Textbook

    Bidaya Textbook  is a perfect book for the students who want to practice and master Arabic reading and grammar. This book contains more than fifty additional words in each lesson. These words cover Arabic grammar and cases while maximizing exposure to...

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  • Bidaya-Workbook


    Bidaya Workbook

    In this book, you will find 50 additional words, including all the rules and cases, per lesson. This is aimed to help the teacher in building a word bank with as many words as possible so that they can properly train their student.Objectives of This book...

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