  • Front cover image of the book "Advice To My Son"

    Claritas Books

    Advice To My Son

    One of the most well-known and prolific scholars of classical Islam, Ibn al-Jawzi is best-known for his exegeses of the Quran and Hadith. Advice To My Son is a concise book of advice written to one of his sons who had strayed from the straight path...

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    Ta-Ha Publishers

    A Guide to Parenting in Islam: Addressing Adolescence

    Addressing Adolescence is a parent-to-parent handbook outlining how to tackle the challenges of parenting adolescents within an Islamic ethos in a pluralist society. It covers:- the unique nature of an adolescent and how this differs from younger...

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    Ta-Ha Publishers

    A Guide to Parenting in Islam: Cherishing Childhood

    Our children are the greatest assets that Allah has entrusted us with. We owe it to Allah and to our children, therefore, to invest our time and efforts into being the best parents we can be.Cherishing Childhood is a parent-to-parent handbook that...

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    Ta-Ha Publishers

    A Gift for the New Muslim Mother

    A Gift for the New Muslim Mother is the perfect gift for the new Muslim mum. Written by a mother-of-three, it is packed with friendly, encouraging and practical advice on welcoming your newborn in Islam, breastfeeding, health, time management and lots...

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    Ta-Ha Publishers

    A Gift for the Bereaved Parent

    The loss of a child is probably the most painful experience a parent can go through.It is at such times of deep sorrow and grief that people often turn to their faith. This book has been written to address this need from the Islamic perspective using...

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  • The-Ideal-Father-In-light-of-the-Qur'an,-Sunna-and-Tradition

    Al-Karam Publications

    The Ideal Father: In Light of the Qur’an, Sunna and Tradition

    The Ideal Father: In Light of the Qur’an, Sunna and Tradition looks at the various stages of fatherhood and discusses Islamic rites and tradition, nurturing and fostering, education, upbringing, the onus and rights of the couple, father and children and...

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  • Teach-Your-Children-How-to-Pray

    Teach Your Children How to Pray

    Teach your children How to Perform the Second Pillar of Islam.Full coverage to the following topics:• The Status ofSalah in Islam• Habituating children to PerformSalah • The Stages of Teaching Children How to Pray• Urging the Children to Pray• Observing...

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  • Secrets-to-raising-strong-confident-muslims

    Ariba Farheen

    Secrets to Raising Strong Confident Muslims

    " Don't raise your kids the way your parents raised you; They were born for a different time " - Ali (ra) These are completely different times with different challenges and if you don't adapt using a new strategy to raise your kids, they will likely get...

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    Ta-Ha Publishers

    The Muslim Parent's Guide To The Early Years (0-5 Years)

    About This Book  Umm Safiyyah Bint Najmaddin's The Muslim Parent's Guide to the Early Years (0-5 Years) is a compassionate and informative handbook meant to assist Muslim parents in navigating the vital and formative phases of their children's early...

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  • A-Guided-Journal-for-the-Bereaved-Muslim-Parent

    Ta-Ha Publishers

    A Guided Journal for the Bereaved Muslim Parent

    The loss of a child can bring immense anguish, sorrow and pain. It can feel like a part of you has gone, together with your hopes and dreams of the future with your child. You wonder how the world is carrying on when your world has stopped.This journal...

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  • Parenting-Through-Storytelling

    Amana Publications

    Once Upon a Time : Parenting Through Storytelling

    This book is the first in a series providing parents with material for the effective Islamictarbiyah tool of storytelling. Here, Muslim parents will find stories to correct common problem behaviours and instill Islamic concepts in their children. They...

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  • Muslim-Teens

    Amana Publications

    Muslim Teens : A Practical Islamic Parenting Guide

    About The BookFrom the preface: Teen years, we are told by society, are a time of exploration and discovery--of alcohol, drugs, the opposite sex, all sorts of reckless and dangerous behavior, and a time for finding yourself. Teen years, we are told, are...

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  • Parenting-Skill

    Amana Publications

    Parenting Skills: Based on The Qur'an and Sunnah

    The Beshirs, a wife and husband team, who co-authored two best-selling books on parentingMeeting the Challenge of Parenting in the West, an Islamic Perspective andMuslim Teens and Blissful Marriage: A Practical Islamic Guide have conducted very...

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  • face-cover_دليل-الوادلين-اولى-ابتدائى-1-3

    Nahdet Misr Publishing House

    A Parent's And Teacher's Guide To Treating Speech Disorders Level 2- دليل الوالدين والمعلمين في علاج إضطرابات النطق الجزء التانى

    اضطرابات النطق هي صعوبات في مظاهر الإنتاج الحركي للكلام أو عدم القدرة على إنتاج أصوات كلامية محددة. ويشير هذا التعريف إلى أن تعليم المهارات اللفظية هو عملية اكتسابية ناتجة عن التطور النمائي للقدرة على تحريك أعضاء النطق بطريقة دقيقة وسريعة.أنواع...

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  • face-cover_دليل-الوادلين-اولى-ابتدائى-1-3

    Nahdet Misr Publishing House

    A Parent's And Teacher's Guide To Treating Speech Disorders Level 1- دليل الوالدين والمعلمين في علاج إضطرابات النطق الجزء الأول

    اضطرابات النطق هي صعوبات في مظاهر الإنتاج الحركي للكلام أو عدم القدرة على إنتاج أصوات كلامية محددة. ويشير هذا التعريف إلى أن تعليم المهارات اللفظية هو عملية اكتسابية ناتجة عن التطور النمائي للقدرة على تحريك أعضاء النطق بطريقة دقيقة وسريعة.أنواع...

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