The Complete Forty Hadith of Iman An-Nawawi
By Ta-Ha Publishers
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- Author:
- Imam Al-Nawawi
- Translator:
- Abdassamad Clarke
- Publisher:
- Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd.
- Format:
- Paperback
- Language:
- English
- Age Range:
- Adults
Imam an-Nawawi assembled his collection of forty-twohadith together with the absolute minimum offiqh and commentary necessary for people not to misunderstand their import. Ibn Uyaynah said, "Hadith are misleading except to those who havefiqh [understanding]." Ibn Wahb said, "Every man ofhadith who has no Imam infiqh is astray." Of the huge number of collections of fortyhadith , the one by Imam an-Nawawi is undoubtedly the most famous and most enduring. This is, to our knowledge, is the first, full translation into English. We have called it:The Complete Forty Hadith of Imam An-Nawawi .