  • Disney-Comics-12-Ducky-Holidays

    Disney Comics #12: Ducky Holidays (إجازات بطوطية)

    After the Herculean effort Ducky made to rest, he finally was able to take a break so he could calm down and relax from all the effort it took him to be lazy. After his relaxation, he planned to go back to thinking and planning new and innovative ways to...

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  • Disney-Comics-13-Detective-Mickey

    Disney Comics #13: Detective Mickey (المحقق ميكي)

    A question which we will answer in 240 pages. How did the most famous detective of Duck City become the most famous of its criminals? Read the series to find out! سؤال نجيب عنه في 240 صفحة: كيف تحول المحقق الأشهر في “مدينة البط” لأشهر مجرميها؟ التفاصيل...

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  • Disney-Comics-20-Black-Ghost

    Disney Comics #20: Black Ghost ( الشبح الأسود)

    The dream of his life is to become one of the legends of evil in the world. But he had the unfortunate lot of deciding to do that in the City of the Duck in which Mickey had resolved to be a legendary example of goodness. Despite the fact that all the...

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  • Disney-Comics-11-Duck-in-the-Mask

    Disney Comics #11: Masked Duck (البط المقنع)

    Wouldn't it be great if you were Super Ducky? If you were to become Super Ducky, sometimes it would not be fun at all, especially if you were a criminal on the run, wanted by the authorities, expelled by society and rejected by it. Why don't you read...

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  • Disney-Comics-2-Goool-Ducks

    Disney Comics #2: Goool Ducks (بط جووول)

    To a love that is unfailingTo a hobby that you never tire ofTo Team Duckville, a heroic teamTo all those who love Ducky as a champion, a player and a coachThis issue is for you!إلى الحب الذى لايعرف الفشل.. إلى الهواية التى لا تعرف الكسل.. إلى فريق...

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  • Disney-Comics---Cute-Thieves

    Disney Comics #14: Stylish Thieves (لصوص ظرفاء)

    As we all know, there is no person who is bad all the time, and there is no person who is good all the time. Despite all of the horrible things the gang called "Masks" does, it has one positive characteristic: The ability to be persistent. They do not...

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  • Disney-Comics-16-Zizi's-Diary

    Disney Comics #16: Zizi's Diary (مذكرات زيزي)

    When Zizi decides to divide the bad luck of Ducky among two people, or when she tries to live in a castle of 366 rooms, or when she attempts to help her friend get the knight of her dreams, or when she makes Uncle Scrooge's vault out of glass and he...

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  • Disney-Comics-17-Gold-vs-Silver

    Disney Comics #17: Gold vs. Silver (دهب ضد فضة)

    My Dear Readers and My Dear Viewers (wherever you may be),We will relay to you the incidences of the exciting match between the wealthiest duck in the world, Mr. Scrooge (Mr. Gold) and the second wealthiest duck in the world, Mr. Glomgold (Mr. Silver)...

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  • Disney-Comics-3-Secret-Agent

    Disney Comics #3: Secret Agent (العميل السري)

    We used to always think that the relationship between Ducky and Zizi was the most dangerous relationship in Duckville. However, there are those who have a different opinion. Do you know about Farfour's relationship with Ducky? They are both secret agents...

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  • Disney-Comics-4-Super-Duck

    Disney Comics #4: Super Duck (سوبر بطوط)

    Super Duck! That is the bright side of Ducky's personality, which is normally lazy, chaotic and bankrupt. We all hear or see or have read stories, which show this negative aspect of Ducky's personality, but this time, we will enter into discovering his...

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  • Disney-Comics-22-Disaster-Maker

    Disney Comics #22: Disaster Maker (صانع الكوارث)

    Do you know what disasters that might afflict you if you were standing at the summit of an active volcano? Violent earthquakes in the sea cause huge tsunamis and destructive storms hit land. These are the natural disasters you will experience travelling...

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  • Disney-Comics-23-Lucky

    Disney Comics #23: Lucky (محظوظ)

    Luck is the friend that never abandons him, an ally that never leaves him and the happy coincidences are the story of his life. Lucky is the only one in the world who has never heard the phrase, "Better luck next time!" because every time, and without...

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  • Disney-Comics-21-Pharaonic-Myths

    Disney Comics #21: Pharaonic Myths (أساطير فرعونية)

    عظيمة هي الحضارة الفرعونية والآن أركان الأرض... فنية بهية فأرسلوا بعثات علمية وفنية ولما كا «دهب» حريصًا على بقاء البشرية أرسل «بطوط» على رأس بعثة كشفية هددت الإنسانية بكارثة كونية

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  • Disney-Comics-5-Bond-Ducks-2

    Disney Comics #5: Bond Ducks 2 (بط بوند 2)

    After a series of fascinating intelligence operations Bond Duck finally meets the Sergeant  General in person, only to be shocked when he finds out who he really is. Believe me he is the last person you would imagine! After that the situation of the...

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