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    Front cover image of the book "I am Fasting اني صائم"

    Sherine's books

    I am Fasting اني صائم

    أخيرًا هل هلالُ شهرِ رمضانَ، وقررَ حسّانُ أن يصومَ طوالَ النَّهار. وفي أول يومِ صيامٍ له، واجه حسان الكثير من المواقف. من خلال الأحداث الشيقة؛ يتعلم حسان الكثير عن الصيام. هل الصيام فقط هو الامتناع عن الأكل والشرب؟ أم أنه أكثرُ من ذلكَ بكثيرٍ؟ هيَّا...

    Now: $16.92
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    Ramadan Challenge - Educational Game تحدي رمضان - لعبة تعليمية

    تعتبرتحدي رمضان لعبه تعليمية تربوية ترفيهية هادفة تساعد الطفل علي التركيز والانتباه و تعلم المعلومات الهامة عن رمضان وعيد الفطر و ما يتعلق بهما ،بالاضافه الي انها تحفز الطفل في حفظ القرأن وااختباره ، ذلك من خلال الاجابه علي اسئله الكروت التي تنقله الي...

    Now: $16.92
    Was: $19.99
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    Dar Al Farouk For Cultural Investments (دار الفاروق للاستثمارات الثقافية)

    Pillars of Islam series from 7 years old: Hajj سلسلة اركان الاسلام من سن ٧ سنوات: الحج

    تَشْرَحُ هَذِهِ السِّلْسِلَةُ لِلأَطْفَالِ أَرْكَانَ الإِسْلام الْخمْسَةَ الَّتِي يَقُومُ عَلَيْهَا الدِّينُ الإِسْلامِيُّ الْعَظِيمُ، وَتَتَمَيَّزُ بِالاعْتِمَادِ عَلَى الصُّورِ الْمُعَبِّرَةِ وَالْكَلِمَاتِ الْبَسِيطَةِ في تَعْلِيمِ الأَطْفَالِ مِنْ...

    Now: $4.24
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    Dar Al Farouk For Cultural Investments (دار الفاروق للاستثمارات الثقافية)

    Hajj and Umrah Supplications أدعية الحج و العمرة

    الدعاء هو سلاح المؤمن ووسيلته الأسهل في كل وقت و حين، فلا ملجا من الله إلا إليه ، ولا مجيب غيره،ولا راحم سواه ، كما أن الدعاء هو مخ العبادة ، فهو إظهار التذلل و الافتقار و الطاعة و الخضوع و الاستكانة لله تعالى ، وهذا هو المعنى العميق للعبادة .بل هو ما...

    Now: $4.24
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    Ramadan Nights (2 Books) ليالي رمضان

    ماذا يحدث في ليالي رمضان منذ بداية التجهيزات لشهر رمضان حتى صباح يوم العيد؟ وماذا نشعر عندما نرى الفوانيس والزينة المبهجة المُعلقة في كل مكان والزينة المضيئة التي تتلألأ على مآذن المساجد؟ وماذا يحدث في أوقات السحور والإفطار في المنزل وكيف نفرح بمجيء ليلة...

    Now: $10.75
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    Dar Al-Mustaqbal (دار المستقبل)

    Ramadan Kareem رمضان وكريم

    قصة عن رمضان بس مش أى قصة والسلام لكن قصة بطعم بلدنا وأحياءنا الشعبية وأكلاتنا اللذيذة الشرقية قصة تعلم الأطفال بسلاسة عن عباداتنا فى الشهر الكريم ويتمسكوا بيها ومايبقاش ليهم عنها بديل يتعلموا منها ازاى يقضوا وقتهم فيما يفيد فى هذا الشهر الكريم...

    Now: $4.24
    Was: $4.99
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    Albert Whitman & Co

    The Gift of Ramadan-1726596394

    Sophia wants to fast for the first time in this Ramadan tale. Sophia wants to fast for Ramadan this year. Her grandma tells her that fasting helps make a person sparkly—and Sophia loves sparkles. But when her attempt at fasting fails, Sophia must find...

    Now: $9.34
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    Eid Breakfast at Abuela's

    Join Sofia and her mom and dad who spend Eid -the Islamic holiday celebrating the end of Ramadan - with her Mexican grandmother, who is not Muslim but chooses to throw them a festive breakfast which includes traditional Mexican food, decorations, and...

    Now: $12.99
    Was: $15.99
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    Barefoot Books

    Zahra's Blessing a Ramadan Story

    “A young Muslim girl, cued as Pakistani American, prays for a blessing and ends up being one . . . A sweet story about the importance of sharing and caring that’s embedded in Islamic traditions” – Kirkus Reviews Zahra hugs her cherished teddy bear and...

    Now: $8.49
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    Ramadan The Month of Fasting

    The Quran is full of exciting stories, adventures, teachings, and prayers which show Allah's love for us and explain what He requires from us as believers in and sincere servants of our Creator. TheQuran Stories for Little Hearts series is especially...

    Now: $3.39
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    Muslim Children's Books

    Eliyas Explains Ramadan Guide Journal

    Are you as excited as the adults about Ramadan? I wasn’t until I found out a load of incredible things that blew my socks to space! After that, I was on a mission. Oh yeah, and I had a force field! I’ll tell you all about it in this book and help you...

    Now: $8.49
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    Muslim Children's Books

    Musa and Friends Do Ramadan

    Give your youngest children a taste of Ramadan withMusa & Friends Do Ramadan , a fun board book created especially for young readers. This book is the ideal addition to your child's early reading library since it is full of love, simplicity, and...

    Now: $6.79
    Was: $7.99
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    Independently published

    The Best Ramadan: Zain and Mima's Adventures

    A Joyful Ramadan Story and Planner for kids! Zain and Mima are so excited that Ramadan is here! They want to fast just like their parents. Their Mama tells them that they can try, but explains that Ramadan is not only about fasting. Ramadan is also about...

    Now: $14.44
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    Kube Publishing Ltd

    Hassan and Aneesa Love Ramadan

    Ramadan is about to begin. Find out all about the Muslim holy month with Hassan and Aneesa. It is the night before Ramadan and Hassan and Aneesa are excited for it to begin. In Ramadan they will read the Qur'an, give charity, share food with neighbours...

    Now: $5.06
    Was: $5.95
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    Kube Publishing Ltd

    Hassan and Aneesa Celebrate Eid

    Eid al-Fitr is here and Hassan and Aneesa are helping to decorate their house before the celebrations begin. On Eid they will wake early to wash before performing a special prayer outside. After the prayer, it is time to celebrate with friends and family...

    Now: $5.09
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    Kube Publishing Ltd

    My First Book About Hajj

    In simple and easy to understand language along with stunning, full colour illustrations it takes the reader from preparing to go for Hajj to the actual acts of Hajj and the intentions behind them. It also features facts about Hajj and Umrah and common...

    Now: $8.46
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    Kube Publishing Ltd

    My First Book About Ramadan

    Inside this board book toddlers and young children will find out about the beautiful holy month of Ramadan, it's meaning and purpose, as well as how and why it is celebrated.Stunning illustrations, full of color, bring the pages to life and the carefully...

    Now: $8.46
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    Hachette Book Group

    The Night Before Eid: A Muslim Family Story

    "A beautiful story of joy, tradition, and family."―Kirkus Reviews, starred review Celebrate the end of Ramadan with this luminous Muslim family story about faith, history, and delicious foods. On the night before Eid, it’s finally time to make special...

    Now: $14.00
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    Ruqaya's Bookshelf

    Trouble at Taraweeh

    Umama is very excited forLaylatul Qadr . She has learned that it’s better than a thousand months and that Allah answers all prayers on this night.It’s the perfect time to make her very importantdua !But no matter how hard she tries, trouble always finds...

    Now: $11.89
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    Front cover image of the book "I am Fasting اني صائم"

    Sherine's books

    I am Fasting اني صائم

    أخيرًا هل هلالُ شهرِ رمضانَ، وقررَ حسّانُ أن يصومَ طوالَ النَّهار. وفي أول يومِ صيامٍ له، واجه حسان الكثير من المواقف. من خلال الأحداث الشيقة؛ يتعلم حسان الكثير عن الصيام. هل الصيام فقط هو الامتناع عن الأكل والشرب؟ أم أنه أكثرُ من ذلكَ بكثيرٍ؟ هيَّا...

    Now: $16.92
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    Ramadan Challenge - Educational Game تحدي رمضان - لعبة تعليمية

    تعتبرتحدي رمضان لعبه تعليمية تربوية ترفيهية هادفة تساعد الطفل علي التركيز والانتباه و تعلم المعلومات الهامة عن رمضان وعيد الفطر و ما يتعلق بهما ،بالاضافه الي انها تحفز الطفل في حفظ القرأن وااختباره ، ذلك من خلال الاجابه علي اسئله الكروت التي تنقله الي...

    Now: $16.92
    Was: $19.99
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    Dar Al Farouk For Cultural Investments (دار الفاروق للاستثمارات الثقافية)

    Pillars of Islam series from 7 years old: Hajj سلسلة اركان الاسلام من سن ٧ سنوات: الحج

    تَشْرَحُ هَذِهِ السِّلْسِلَةُ لِلأَطْفَالِ أَرْكَانَ الإِسْلام الْخمْسَةَ الَّتِي يَقُومُ عَلَيْهَا الدِّينُ الإِسْلامِيُّ الْعَظِيمُ، وَتَتَمَيَّزُ بِالاعْتِمَادِ عَلَى الصُّورِ الْمُعَبِّرَةِ وَالْكَلِمَاتِ الْبَسِيطَةِ في تَعْلِيمِ الأَطْفَالِ مِنْ...

    Now: $4.24
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    Dar Al Farouk For Cultural Investments (دار الفاروق للاستثمارات الثقافية)

    Hajj and Umrah Supplications أدعية الحج و العمرة

    الدعاء هو سلاح المؤمن ووسيلته الأسهل في كل وقت و حين، فلا ملجا من الله إلا إليه ، ولا مجيب غيره،ولا راحم سواه ، كما أن الدعاء هو مخ العبادة ، فهو إظهار التذلل و الافتقار و الطاعة و الخضوع و الاستكانة لله تعالى ، وهذا هو المعنى العميق للعبادة .بل هو ما...

    Now: $4.24
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    Ramadan Nights (2 Books) ليالي رمضان

    ماذا يحدث في ليالي رمضان منذ بداية التجهيزات لشهر رمضان حتى صباح يوم العيد؟ وماذا نشعر عندما نرى الفوانيس والزينة المبهجة المُعلقة في كل مكان والزينة المضيئة التي تتلألأ على مآذن المساجد؟ وماذا يحدث في أوقات السحور والإفطار في المنزل وكيف نفرح بمجيء ليلة...

    Now: $10.75
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    Dar Al-Mustaqbal (دار المستقبل)

    Ramadan Kareem رمضان وكريم

    قصة عن رمضان بس مش أى قصة والسلام لكن قصة بطعم بلدنا وأحياءنا الشعبية وأكلاتنا اللذيذة الشرقية قصة تعلم الأطفال بسلاسة عن عباداتنا فى الشهر الكريم ويتمسكوا بيها ومايبقاش ليهم عنها بديل يتعلموا منها ازاى يقضوا وقتهم فيما يفيد فى هذا الشهر الكريم...

    Now: $4.24
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    Albert Whitman & Co

    The Gift of Ramadan-1726596394

    Sophia wants to fast for the first time in this Ramadan tale. Sophia wants to fast for Ramadan this year. Her grandma tells her that fasting helps make a person sparkly—and Sophia loves sparkles. But when her attempt at fasting fails, Sophia must find...

    Now: $9.34
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    Eid Breakfast at Abuela's

    Join Sofia and her mom and dad who spend Eid -the Islamic holiday celebrating the end of Ramadan - with her Mexican grandmother, who is not Muslim but chooses to throw them a festive breakfast which includes traditional Mexican food, decorations, and...

    Now: $12.99
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    Barefoot Books

    Zahra's Blessing a Ramadan Story

    “A young Muslim girl, cued as Pakistani American, prays for a blessing and ends up being one . . . A sweet story about the importance of sharing and caring that’s embedded in Islamic traditions” – Kirkus Reviews Zahra hugs her cherished teddy bear and...

    Now: $8.49
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    Ramadan The Month of Fasting

    The Quran is full of exciting stories, adventures, teachings, and prayers which show Allah's love for us and explain what He requires from us as believers in and sincere servants of our Creator. TheQuran Stories for Little Hearts series is especially...

    Now: $3.39
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    Muslim Children's Books

    Eliyas Explains Ramadan Guide Journal

    Are you as excited as the adults about Ramadan? I wasn’t until I found out a load of incredible things that blew my socks to space! After that, I was on a mission. Oh yeah, and I had a force field! I’ll tell you all about it in this book and help you...

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    Muslim Children's Books

    Musa and Friends Do Ramadan

    Give your youngest children a taste of Ramadan withMusa & Friends Do Ramadan , a fun board book created especially for young readers. This book is the ideal addition to your child's early reading library since it is full of love, simplicity, and...

    Now: $6.79
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    Independently published

    The Best Ramadan: Zain and Mima's Adventures

    A Joyful Ramadan Story and Planner for kids! Zain and Mima are so excited that Ramadan is here! They want to fast just like their parents. Their Mama tells them that they can try, but explains that Ramadan is not only about fasting. Ramadan is also about...

    Now: $14.44
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    Kube Publishing Ltd

    Hassan and Aneesa Love Ramadan

    Ramadan is about to begin. Find out all about the Muslim holy month with Hassan and Aneesa. It is the night before Ramadan and Hassan and Aneesa are excited for it to begin. In Ramadan they will read the Qur'an, give charity, share food with neighbours...

    Now: $5.06
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    Kube Publishing Ltd

    Hassan and Aneesa Celebrate Eid

    Eid al-Fitr is here and Hassan and Aneesa are helping to decorate their house before the celebrations begin. On Eid they will wake early to wash before performing a special prayer outside. After the prayer, it is time to celebrate with friends and family...

    Now: $5.09
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    Kube Publishing Ltd

    My First Book About Hajj

    In simple and easy to understand language along with stunning, full colour illustrations it takes the reader from preparing to go for Hajj to the actual acts of Hajj and the intentions behind them. It also features facts about Hajj and Umrah and common...

    Now: $8.46
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    Kube Publishing Ltd

    My First Book About Ramadan

    Inside this board book toddlers and young children will find out about the beautiful holy month of Ramadan, it's meaning and purpose, as well as how and why it is celebrated.Stunning illustrations, full of color, bring the pages to life and the carefully...

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    Hachette Book Group

    The Night Before Eid: A Muslim Family Story

    "A beautiful story of joy, tradition, and family."―Kirkus Reviews, starred review Celebrate the end of Ramadan with this luminous Muslim family story about faith, history, and delicious foods. On the night before Eid, it’s finally time to make special...

    Now: $14.00
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    Ruqaya's Bookshelf

    Trouble at Taraweeh

    Umama is very excited forLaylatul Qadr . She has learned that it’s better than a thousand months and that Allah answers all prayers on this night.It’s the perfect time to make her very importantdua !But no matter how hard she tries, trouble always finds...

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