Prophets in the Qur’an Vol 3

By Ta-Ha Publishers

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Ahmad Thomson
Prophets in the Qur'an Series
Taha Publishers
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This is a sequel toVolume Two and is the last in the series.Volume Three considers the last Prophet to appear on earth, Prophet Muhammad . So much is known about the Prophet Muhammad , from reliable and trustworthy sources, that there is no doubt that he was indeed the last Prophet to be sent by God before the end of the world. It is clear from the Quran that all the prophets were sent by Allah and guided by Allah, and it is for this reason that there are no contradictions between any of their original teachings. From one perspective it is possible to realise that all the prophets were sent in order to prepare the way for Muhammad, may the blessings and peace of Allah be on him and them, and that what happened to them was a source of reassurance for him. Initially they helped to sustain and calm the Prophet Muhammad's heart during the tremendous hardship and opposition that he endured when delivering the message that had been entrusted to him. These stories, again and again, emphasised and clarified the nature of his task for him, and equally importantly, for all those who have followed him from that day to this. They have served as a means of guidance and inspiration for the believers, reminding them of the straight path and how to follow it.

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