Prophets in the Qur’an Vol 2

By Ta-Ha Publishers

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Iftekhar Bano Hussain
Prophets in the Qur'an Series
Taha Publishers
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This is the sequel toProphets in the Qur'an - Volume One . WhereasVolume One considers all the Prophets mentioned in the Qur'an from the first prophet to appear on earth, Adamعليه السلام up to and including Shu'aibعليه السلام. Volume Two considers all the prophets mentioned in the Qur'an from Musaعليه السلام up to and including Isaعليه السلام , the last prophet to appear on earth before the coming of the last prophet, Muhammad. The significance of the prophets whose lives are considered inVolume Two , is that probably more than half the world's population claim to follow Musaعليه السلام , the Christians claim to be following Isaعليه السلام , and the Muslims claim to be following Prophet Muhammad . As inVolume One , so alsoVolume Two sets out to gather together all the relevant verses concerning each of the prophets in turn, of whom Allah says: "Surely those who disbelieve in Allah and His Messengers, who seek to make distinctions between Allah and His Messengers, and who says, 'We believe in some of them, but we do not believe in others, and so we seek to choose a course that lies between them,'--these ones are in truth really disbelievers-and for the disbelievers we have prepared a humiliating punishments - but as for those who believe in Allah and His Messengers, and who do not make any distinctions between any of them, He will certainly give these ones their reward- and Allah has always been Forgiving, Compassionate."

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