Tajweed Qur’an Surah Al-Baqarah - مصحف التجويد سورة البقرة
By Dar-Al-Maarifah
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Tajweed Qur’an Surah Al-Baqarah - مصحف التجويد سورة البقرة
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- Paperback
- Language:
- Arabic
- Publisher:
- Dar-Al-Maarifah
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This book is Surah-Al-Baqarah from the Tajweed Quran in one small volume. Reading this surah brings special blessings; it is easier to carry just the portion of Al-Baqarah from the Quran than carrying the whole Tajweed Quran. Surah-Al-Baqarah comes in a standard portrait form, with a nice glossy soft cover. Each page contains 15 lines as any standard Quran, with an interpretation of selected words placed on the margins of every page. Based on a practical understanding of phonology, we have color-coded some letters to facilitate the correct recitation of the Quran. This enabled us to classify letters into three possible categories to enhance the reader's knowledge and retention of Tajweed rules: The letters which require expanded vocalization. We have used red color to highlight these letters. The letters which are nasalized are presented in the color green. The dark blue color indicates emphasis of the letter "raa"(R), the blue color indicates the echoing letters (qalqala). The letters which are written but are not vocalized are printed in gray color. The reader will acclimate to reciting the Quran by using this color-coded guide very easily. By engaging the eye, the reader will find him/herself applying 24 rules of Tajweed with ease and precision while his/her mind is free to comprehend to understand the meaning of the Quran. This version of the Tajweed Quran is printed in Hafs narration. All Tajweed Quran products - including this Quran come with the following:
- Colour coded letters: to present the Tajweed rules, very good and simple way to learn and apply Tajweed rules.
- Clear and obvious delineation and script: extra spaces were added between the words in order to make it easier to read and recite the Quran.
- Permissible stops: long spaces were added at certain points where it is permissible to stop. These aid the reader to avoid stopping at the wrong place or times.
- A set of very useful indexes such as: Surahs Colour Index, Subject Index.
- Tajweed rules explained in details with helpful illustration.
5 Surah albaqara
Posted by Hafsa on 6th Nov 2024
The surat albaqara book very nice and the shipping was fast .
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