Let's Learn Islam, Elementary Book 2
By Invitation Publishing
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- Author:
- Dr Musharraf Hussain
- Series:
- Let's Learn Islam
- Publisher:
- Invitation Publishing
- Format:
- Paperback
- Language:
- English
- Age Range:
- Elementary school (5-10 Years)
- Grade Level:
- K-5 Grade
Let’s Learn Islam Elementary Book 2 covers various areas ofdua's ,fiqh , beliefs and manners.
The "Hifz of Dua's" and "Holy Words" section coversdua's for a variety of situations including the second holy word,dua's for entering and leaving the bathroom, theadhan ,dua's for entering and leaving the masjid, Surat Al-Fatihah, Al-Ikhlas, and what to say aftersalah . This is all followed by a quiz.
The Fiqh section covers the headscarf and cap, looking after religious books, the 5 pillars of Islam, drying ourselves and turning away from theqiblah .
The "Manners" section covers classroom rules, Islamic manners, and the beautiful names of Allah.
All sections are followed by a quiz. See the contents page image for a full description.
The "Hifz of Dua's" and "Holy Words" section coversdua's for a variety of situations including the second holy word,dua's for entering and leaving the bathroom, theadhan ,dua's for entering and leaving the masjid, Surat Al-Fatihah, Al-Ikhlas, and what to say aftersalah . This is all followed by a quiz.
The Fiqh section covers the headscarf and cap, looking after religious books, the 5 pillars of Islam, drying ourselves and turning away from theqiblah .
The "Manners" section covers classroom rules, Islamic manners, and the beautiful names of Allah.
All sections are followed by a quiz. See the contents page image for a full description.