Let's Learn Islam, Level 3

By Invitation Publishing

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Dr Musharraf Hussain
Invitation Publishing
Age Range:
Elementary school (5-10 Years)
The third book in this series of four attractive textbooks develops fromBook 2 covers the subjects ofFiqh ,Sirah ,Dua' ,Aqidah and Morals & Manners and explores these topics in more detail. Both the range and depth of topics covered is sufficient to cater to the needs of young practicing Muslims.
Let’s Learn Islam Level 3 Textbook covers the following areas ofFiqh: theWajibat ,Sunnah ,Mustahabat ,Makruhat ,Mufsidat ofSalah . TheFiqh ofJumuah (Friday) Prayer,Janaza (Funeral) Prayer, Eid Prayer and Nafl (voluntary)Prayer.

The "Manners in Islam" section covers the Islamic etiquettes of not being wasteful, politeness, being punctual and helping others.

Memorization incorporatesdua's for the day and night including, waking, sleeping, travelling, going to the toilet, entering and leaving the Masjid, beginning and end of a meal, entering and leaving the home, fasting, visiting the marketplace, looking in the mirror and visiting graveyards.

Sirah of Prophet Muhammad continues with the arrival of the Prophet Muhammad in Madinah and explains the relationship and issues with the groups of people already living there. Covers all the major treaties and battles up until the conquest of Makkah. See the contents page image for a full description.
Aqaid (The Muslim Creed) looks at the beliefs around Allah, The Day of Judgement, Intercession and the Prophets.

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