Let's Learn Islam, Level 1

By Invitation Publishing

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Dr Musharraf Hussain
Let's Learn Islam
Invitation Publishing
Let’s Learn Islam Level 1 textbook covers the following areas of Fiqh; Importance of keeping clean and performingwudhu . It breaks down thefard ,sunnah andmustahab actions and the acts that breakwudhu . A full illustrated description of how to performwudhu is given.Tayammum is also covered including the circumstances in whichtayammum can be performed and a description of how to do it.

The "Manners in Islam" section covers the Islamic etiquettes of sneezing, yawning, sleeping, waking up, going to the toilet and brushing teeth accompanied bydua's for children to learn and practice in their daily lives.

"Morals in Islam" section covers being just and fair, patience, jealously, greed and sincerity taught via examples from the lives of Prophets Muhammad , Yusuf and Ayubعليهما السلام. The memorization ofdua's includes the Imans Mujmal and Muffasal, the first, second and thirdkalimahs (holy words).

Thesirah section begins with the Year of the Elephant, the important events around the birth of Prophet Muhammad his father, mother, grandfather and wet nurse. Also included is the trip to Syria, meeting with Waraqa, rebuilding of the Ka’bah until Ali accepts Islam.

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