The Worst Eight Days Ever : The Story of God's Prophet Hood - أسوأ ثماني أيام على الإطلاق : قصة نبي الله هود

By Nahdet Misr Publishing House

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Lilly S. Mohsen
Nahdet Misr Publishing House
Age Range:
Elementary school (5-10 Years)
Grade Level:
K-5 Grade

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The People of Hood owned the world! They were beyond rich, powerful and super arrogant! Prophet Hoodعليه السلام tried to teach them to turn away from bad character, but they felt n othing could ever stop them from getting what they wanted... Until they were afflicted with a dry season, yearning for rain. Then one day, a man saw a raincloud and yelled HOORAH! Suddenly, their whole lives turned upside down and it was too late for regret.

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