The Story Of Prophet Noah (Nuh) - They're Just Not Listening (قصة نبى الله نوح - جعلوا أصابعهم فى آذانهم)
By Nahdet Misr Publishing House
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- Author:
- Lilly S. Mohsen
- Illustrator:
- Eslam Fekry
- Publisher:
- Nahdet Misr Publishing House
- Format:
- Paperback
- Language:
- Arabic
- Age Range:
- Elementary school (5-10 Years)
- Grade Level:
- K-5 Grade
In ancient times, there were people of faith who worshiped God alone and did good deeds. Those people died, and the people mourned for them because of their righteousness. They erected statues of them so they could always remember them and their noble ways. They were called by these names: Wad, Suwa, Yaghouth, Yaoq, Nasr...and eventually they made them more than mere statues. God then sent Noah to themعليه السلام to guide them back to the worship of one God and forbid them from worshiping idols. He did this for nearly ten centuries. Noah despaired of reaching them, so he called to God Almighty, Who inspired him to build an ark. Will the people go with him when the flood begins? Read the story of Noah to learn the fate of his people.
كان ـ في سالف الزمان ـ قوم مؤمنون، يعبدون الله وحده ويفعلون الخيرات، فمات أولئك القوم، فحزن عليهم الناس لصلاحهم فأقاموا عمل التماثيل لهم، وكانوا يسمّون بهذه الأسماء: ودّ، سواع، يغوث، يعوق، نسر..، وجعلوها رمزاً لهم وحينذاك، بعث الله إليهم نوحاً (عليه السلام) ليرشدهم إلى الله.. وينهاهم عن عبادة الأصنام.. ما يقرب من عشرة قرون، يئس نوح منهم فدعا إلى الله تعالى فاوحى له بصناعة الفلك فهل سيذهب القوم معه حين يحدث الطوفان؟ اقرأ قصة نوح لتعرف مصير قومة .