Skills Tree-شجرة المهارات
By Dar Al Farouk For Cultural Investments (دار الفاروق للاستثمارات الثقافية)
- Gift wrapping:
- Options available
- Age Range:
- 9-12 Years;4-8 Years;Elementary school (5-10 Years)
- Grade Level:
- 1-6 Grade
- Language:
- Arabic
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publisher:
- Dar Al Farouk For Cultural Investments (دار الفاروق للاستثمارات الثقافية)
تعليم الأطفال هدف أساسي لبناء وطن قوي يصل لأعلي درجات الرقي والتحضر ; لأن أطفالنا أمل الأمة وحلم المستقبل , ولقد قامت علي عملية تعليم الأطفال دراسات تربوية , وحتي تنجح هذة العملية , وتحقق الهدف الاكبر منها يجب التركيز علي تعليم الطفل في السنوات الأولي وإكسابه المهارات المتعددة في عملية الكتابة , والتي تعتير العملية الاولي في إعداد الطفل وتعليمه
إن هذة السلسة (شجرة المهارات) تأخذ بيد الطفل, حتي ترسخ داخله مهارات (الإملاء-الخط العربي-التعبير شفوياْ وكتابياْ), وذلك من خلال منهج يتعلمه الطفل في سنتين,قام بإعداده خبراء تربيون علي أعلي مستوي, عن طريق شرح مبسط, يراعي المرحلة العمرية للطفل ويصعد به إلي مستويات تجعله متمكناْ من هذة المهارات , من خلال تدريبات متعددة ورسومات توضيحية جذابة , حتي يستطيع الطفل الحصول علي الفائدة التعليمية , بكل سهولة ويسر , وهذا مطابق لأحدث الأبحاث التربوية في العالم
Educating children is the foundation to building a strong nation that reaches the highest levels of sophistication and urbanization. Our children are the hope of the nation and the dream of the future. The process of teaching children has been based on intense research. In order for this process to be successful and to achieve our goal, we must focus on educating the child in the early years and providing him with multiple skills in the writing process, which is the first step in preparing and educating the child.
This series (The Skill Tree) takes the child by the hand, in order to establish within him the skills of (dictation - Arabic calligraphy - oral and written expression), through a curriculum that the child progresses through in two years. It is prepared by education experts at the highest level, through a simplified explanation, taking into account the stage of development of the child and raise him to a level that makes him master of these skills. It does so through multiple exercises and attractive illustrations, so that the child can obtain the educational benefit, with ease and clarity. Our educational methods follow the latest educational research in the world.
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إن هذة السلسة (شجرة المهارات) تأخذ بيد الطفل, حتي ترسخ داخله مهارات (الإملاء-الخط العربي-التعبير شفوياْ وكتابياْ), وذلك من خلال منهج يتعلمه الطفل في سنتين,قام بإعداده خبراء تربيون علي أعلي مستوي, عن طريق شرح مبسط, يراعي المرحلة العمرية للطفل ويصعد به إلي مستويات تجعله متمكناْ من هذة المهارات , من خلال تدريبات متعددة ورسومات توضيحية جذابة , حتي يستطيع الطفل الحصول علي الفائدة التعليمية , بكل سهولة ويسر , وهذا مطابق لأحدث الأبحاث التربوية في العالم
Educating children is the foundation to building a strong nation that reaches the highest levels of sophistication and urbanization. Our children are the hope of the nation and the dream of the future. The process of teaching children has been based on intense research. In order for this process to be successful and to achieve our goal, we must focus on educating the child in the early years and providing him with multiple skills in the writing process, which is the first step in preparing and educating the child.
This series (The Skill Tree) takes the child by the hand, in order to establish within him the skills of (dictation - Arabic calligraphy - oral and written expression), through a curriculum that the child progresses through in two years. It is prepared by education experts at the highest level, through a simplified explanation, taking into account the stage of development of the child and raise him to a level that makes him master of these skills. It does so through multiple exercises and attractive illustrations, so that the child can obtain the educational benefit, with ease and clarity. Our educational methods follow the latest educational research in the world.
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