Cake Tree With Honey-شجرة الكعك بالعسل
By Dar Al Maaref Publishers (دار ومكتبة المعارف)
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- Options available
- Author:
- Sonia Elkouch
- Translator:
- Rehab Akkawi (رحاب عكاوي)
- Series:
- Fun Math Stories (قصص الرياضيات الممتعة)
- Publisher:
- Dar Al Maaref Publishers (دار ومكتبة المعارف)
- Format:
- Paperback
- Language:
- Arabic
- Age Range:
- Elementary school (5-10 Years)
- Grade Level:
- K-5 Grade
مَشى دُبُّ الباندا الصَّغيرُ "فرحان" خَمْسَ خُطواتِ انْطِلاقاً مِنْ مَنْزِلِهِ، ثُمَّ حَفَرَ حُفْرَةً وَضَعَ فيها جَرَّةَ العَسَلِ شاهَدَتِ الفَأْرَةُ "سُعدى" ذلِكَ، فَنادَتْ فرسَ النَّهْرِ "مسعود"؛ حاوَلَ كِلاهُما الوصولَ إِلى الجرَّةِ ولكِنْ دونَ جَدْوى
كانا مُتَأَكَّدَيْنِ مِنْ أَنَّهُ عَلَيْهِما أَنْ يَخْطُوَا خَمْسَ خُطُواتٍ فَقَطْ انْطِلاقاً مِنَ البابِ
لِمَ إذاً لَمْ يَجِدا الجَرَّةَ؟صِغاريَ الأَعِزّاءُ، دَعونا نَرى لِمَ لَمْ يَجِدْ "مَسعود" و"سُعْدى" جَرَّةَ العَسَلِ؟ The baby panda "Farhan" walked five steps from his house, then dug a hole in which he put the jar of honey. The mouse saw this happening and called the hippopotamus, “Masoud.” They both tried to reach the jar, but to no avail. They were sure that they were only taking five steps out of the door just like Farhan had. Why, then, didn't they find the jar? Let us see why Masoud and Sada did not find the jar of honey.
كانا مُتَأَكَّدَيْنِ مِنْ أَنَّهُ عَلَيْهِما أَنْ يَخْطُوَا خَمْسَ خُطُواتٍ فَقَطْ انْطِلاقاً مِنَ البابِ
لِمَ إذاً لَمْ يَجِدا الجَرَّةَ؟صِغاريَ الأَعِزّاءُ، دَعونا نَرى لِمَ لَمْ يَجِدْ "مَسعود" و"سُعْدى" جَرَّةَ العَسَلِ؟ The baby panda "Farhan" walked five steps from his house, then dug a hole in which he put the jar of honey. The mouse saw this happening and called the hippopotamus, “Masoud.” They both tried to reach the jar, but to no avail. They were sure that they were only taking five steps out of the door just like Farhan had. Why, then, didn't they find the jar? Let us see why Masoud and Sada did not find the jar of honey.