Love and Discipline - Stories to My Grand Children الحب والتاديب حكايات لأحفادى
By Dar Al Fikr
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- Author:
- Hanan Al-Lahham
- Publisher:
- Dar Al Fikr
- Format:
- Paperback
- Language:
- Arabic
- Age Range:
- Elementary school (5-10 Years);Pre-K - 2nd Level (2-5 Years)
- Grade Level:
- K-5 Grade;preschool
Love and Discipline: Stories of My Grandchildren -
My Grandmother
"Did the Prophet, May Godﷺ always use love? Does not the wrongdoer deserve consequence?" You have raised an important topic, Sarah. Certainly the Prophetﷺ issued punishment, but always with love. Joseph asked? "How do you discipline and love simultaneously?" Muhammad replied: "Just as I forbade you from playing on the computer for a week because you neglected your homework." Joseph's face turned red with anger and cried: "I also disciplined you!" Muhammad laughed and said: "You have a right and Mama has a right. They discipline us because they love us." Can I tell you a story about loving discipline? The little ones hurried and said: "Yes Grandmother! Tell us!"
Did you ever hear of the Prophet'sﷺ dealings with his companions when he set out against the Romans? The Romans gathered their soldiers and incited their allies from the Arabs of the Levant and the northern Arabian Peninsula to prepare for an invasion against the Muslims in Medina. They began to feel threatened that the Levant would be liberated by Muslims and be overrun by Islam, thus reducing their power and losing their spoils. The Prophetﷺ ordered his companions to prepare for the conquest of the Romans, and he invited the believing tribes around the city to go out with him. But some do not and the Prophetﷺ must deal with those who were sincere at heart with loving discipline. Community Verified icon.
الحبُّ والتَّأديب .. الحلقة السابعةَ عشرةَ من حكايات لأحفادي -جدَّتي.. هل كانَ النَّبيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم يستعملُ الحبَّ دائِماً..؟ أَلا يحتاجُ المُخطِئُ إلى تَأديب؟ - لقدْ أَثَرْتِ موضوعاً هامَّاً يا سارة.. ومن المؤكَّدِ أنَّ النَّبيَّ ? كانَ يؤدِّبُ، ولكنْ تأْديبَ المحبِّ. قالَ يوسف: وكيفَ يجتمِعُ التَّأديبُ والحبُّ؟ قالَ محمَّد: مِثلَما حَرمتْكَ مَاما من اللَّعبِ على الحاسوبِ أُسبوعاً لأنَّك أَهمَلتَ واجباتِكَ المدرسيِّة. احمرَّ وجهُ يوسفَ من الغضبِ وقال: وحرَمتْكَ أنتَ أيضاً. ضَحكَ محمَّدٌ وقال: عندكَ حقٌّ، وماما عندَها حقٌّ؛ إنَّها تؤدِّبُنا لأنَّها تحبُّنا. - حسناً.. هل نحكي قصَّةً عن تأديبِ المُحبِّ؟ أسرعَ الصِّغارُ قائلين: نَعم جدَّتي اِحكِي لَنا. سمعَ النَّبيُّ ? أنَّ الرُّومَ يَجمعونَ العَساكِر، ويُحرِّضونَ حلَفاءَهُم من عربِ الشَّام وشَمَالِ الجزيرةِ العربيَّةِ على الاستعدادِ لغَزوِ المسلمينَ في المدينة؛ فقدْ بدؤوا يَخافونَ على ممالِكِهم في بلادِ الشَّام من أن يُحرِّرَها المسلِمونَ ويكْتسِحَها الإسلام، وبذلكَ يتقلَّصُ سلْطانُهم ويخسَرونَ غَنَائِمهُم، فأَمرَ النَّبيُّ ? أَصحابَهُ بالاستعدادِ لغَزوِ الرُّوم، ودَعا القبائِلَ المؤْمنةَ من حولِ المدينةِ للخروجِ معه
My Grandmother
"Did the Prophet, May Godﷺ always use love? Does not the wrongdoer deserve consequence?" You have raised an important topic, Sarah. Certainly the Prophetﷺ issued punishment, but always with love. Joseph asked? "How do you discipline and love simultaneously?" Muhammad replied: "Just as I forbade you from playing on the computer for a week because you neglected your homework." Joseph's face turned red with anger and cried: "I also disciplined you!" Muhammad laughed and said: "You have a right and Mama has a right. They discipline us because they love us." Can I tell you a story about loving discipline? The little ones hurried and said: "Yes Grandmother! Tell us!"
Did you ever hear of the Prophet'sﷺ dealings with his companions when he set out against the Romans? The Romans gathered their soldiers and incited their allies from the Arabs of the Levant and the northern Arabian Peninsula to prepare for an invasion against the Muslims in Medina. They began to feel threatened that the Levant would be liberated by Muslims and be overrun by Islam, thus reducing their power and losing their spoils. The Prophetﷺ ordered his companions to prepare for the conquest of the Romans, and he invited the believing tribes around the city to go out with him. But some do not and the Prophetﷺ must deal with those who were sincere at heart with loving discipline. Community Verified icon.
الحبُّ والتَّأديب .. الحلقة السابعةَ عشرةَ من حكايات لأحفادي -جدَّتي.. هل كانَ النَّبيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم يستعملُ الحبَّ دائِماً..؟ أَلا يحتاجُ المُخطِئُ إلى تَأديب؟ - لقدْ أَثَرْتِ موضوعاً هامَّاً يا سارة.. ومن المؤكَّدِ أنَّ النَّبيَّ ? كانَ يؤدِّبُ، ولكنْ تأْديبَ المحبِّ. قالَ يوسف: وكيفَ يجتمِعُ التَّأديبُ والحبُّ؟ قالَ محمَّد: مِثلَما حَرمتْكَ مَاما من اللَّعبِ على الحاسوبِ أُسبوعاً لأنَّك أَهمَلتَ واجباتِكَ المدرسيِّة. احمرَّ وجهُ يوسفَ من الغضبِ وقال: وحرَمتْكَ أنتَ أيضاً. ضَحكَ محمَّدٌ وقال: عندكَ حقٌّ، وماما عندَها حقٌّ؛ إنَّها تؤدِّبُنا لأنَّها تحبُّنا. - حسناً.. هل نحكي قصَّةً عن تأديبِ المُحبِّ؟ أسرعَ الصِّغارُ قائلين: نَعم جدَّتي اِحكِي لَنا. سمعَ النَّبيُّ ? أنَّ الرُّومَ يَجمعونَ العَساكِر، ويُحرِّضونَ حلَفاءَهُم من عربِ الشَّام وشَمَالِ الجزيرةِ العربيَّةِ على الاستعدادِ لغَزوِ المسلمينَ في المدينة؛ فقدْ بدؤوا يَخافونَ على ممالِكِهم في بلادِ الشَّام من أن يُحرِّرَها المسلِمونَ ويكْتسِحَها الإسلام، وبذلكَ يتقلَّصُ سلْطانُهم ويخسَرونَ غَنَائِمهُم، فأَمرَ النَّبيُّ ? أَصحابَهُ بالاستعدادِ لغَزوِ الرُّوم، ودَعا القبائِلَ المؤْمنةَ من حولِ المدينةِ للخروجِ معه