Life of Rasulullah Makkan Period

By Weekend Learning Publishers

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Husain A. Nuri;Mansur Ahmad
Weekend Learning Publishers
Age Range:
Middle school (11-13 Years)
Grade Level:
6-8 Grade

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In this book, the author discusses the events and experiences from the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad when he lived in Makkah. He explains the Messenger of Allah's life in a way that helps to build and enhance the moral and spiritual character of those who study it. Each chapter in this book is a separate lesson, ideal for one class period. The author has also maintained the sequential development of events along with connection between them from lesson to lesson. Each chapter will help you understand the divine wisdom behind many of the events mentioned. Furthermore, discreet use of graphics, maps, timelines and chapter notes also help in building concept.
Pertinent Lessons: If Allah had willed, the Prophet's mother Aminah, his father Abdullah and grandfather Abd al-Muttalib would have lived longer so that our beloved Prophet Muhammad would never have become an orphan. But Allah didn’t will this. What could be the divine wisdom behind the tragedies in the Messenger of Allah'sﷺ  life?

Allah could have willed that the tribe of Quraysh fight and defeat Abrahah, the king of the area in Yemen, but what are one of the reasons Allah did not will that to happen and what could be some of the divine reasons behind it?

Why did Abu Talib ibn Abd Al-Muttalib help and protect Prophet Muhammad knowing he was working against pagan religious ideologies?

Prophet Muhammad prayed to Allah to make either Umar ibn Al Khattab or Abu Jahl accept Islam. Umar ibn Al Khattab accepted Islam, but why did Abu Jahl not do so?

Prophet Muhammad sent some Muslims to Abyssinia in order to avoid oppression but he didn’t send any of the severely oppressed in Makkah. What are some of the divine wisdoms behind this decision?

You will find answers to these and many other questions in this book. The events in each chapter provide narrative details as well as encourage personal reflection and critical thinking.

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