Life of Rasulullah Madinah Period

By Weekend Learning Publishers

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5.90 (in)
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8.40 (in)
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Husain A. Nuri;Mansur Ahmad
Weekend Learning Publishers
Age Range:
Middle school (11-13 Years)
Grade Level:
6-8 Grade

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In this book, the author discusses the events and experiences of the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad when he lived in Madinah. He has explained that the Messenger of Allah's life in a way that helps to build and enhance the moral and spiritual character of students. Each chapter in this book is its own, complete lesson, ideal for one class period. The author has also maintained the sequential development of events making connections between them from lesson to lesson. Furthermore, discreet use of graphics, maps, timeline and chapter notes help in explaining the concepts.
Lessons Derived
  • After arriving in Madinah, Muslims received permission to fight. Why didn't Muslims get permission during the Makkan period when they were oppressed and tortured most?
  • Muslims achieved a resounding victory during the Battle of Badr, but the Battle of Uhud was quite a different story. What could be the divine wisdom for allowing the Muslims to suffer major losses in the Battle of Uhud?
  • During the Battle of The Trench, the siege of Madinah lasted about 25 days. Eventually, without fighting an actual battle, the Muslims defeated the enemies. What was the Divine wisdom behind making the siege last so long? What lessons can we learn from this battle?
  • Abdullah Ibn Ubayy, a notorious hypocrite, worked his entire life to destroy Islam. Umar Ibn Al-Khattab wanted to kill him on several occasions. Even, the son of Ubayy asked for the Messenger of Allah's permission to kill own father. But the Messenger of Allah did not give him permission. What could be the reason behind this?
  • The slander against the Messenger of Allah's wife, 'Ā'ishah, had been left unresolved at the time for about a month; however, after a month, a Divine revelation declaring the innocence was sent. What could be the divine wisdom behind this delay?
  • Muslims didn’t have to fight a battle during the expedition to Tabuk; however, they suffered a lot in the hot summer during this journey. Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى could have informed the Messenger of Allah that the Byzantines would not show for the battle to relieve the Muslims of this arduous journey. What could be divine wisdom behind that expedition?
  • After the Battle of Badr ended, the Messenger of Allah released the war prisoners before receiving Divine permission for such a decision. What was the Divine wisdom for not sending the permission before the Messenger of Allah took that action?
You will read the answers of these and many other questions in this book. The events in each chapter provide narrative details as well as encourage personal reflection and critical thinking.