Level 1: Hurry Up Horse!-أسرِع يا حِصان
By Lebanon Library Publishers (مكتبة لبنان ناشرون)
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Lebanon Library Publishers (مكتبة لبنان ناشرون)
Level 1: Hurry Up Horse!-أسرِع يا حِصان
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- Translator:
- Albert Mutlaq (ألبير مطلق)
- Series:
- Way to read (طريقي إلي القراءة)
- Publisher:
- Lebanon Library Publishers (مكتبة لبنان ناشرون)
- Format:
- Paperback
- Language:
- Arabic
- Age Range:
- Elementary school (5-10 Years)
- Grade Level:
- K-5 Grade
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ذهبت ليلى في جولة على ظَهْر حِصانها، لكنّ الحصان كان يتوقَّفُ في كلِّ مكان، ليَشرَبَ أو ليستريحَ، أو ليتفرَّجَ، أو يأكُلَ تُفّاحة لكن، فجأةً انطلق..... ولم يَعُدْ يُريدُ ان يتوقَّفَ، ما الذي حدث؟
Laila went for a ride on her horse, but the horse kept stopping to drink or to rest, to gaze out on the fields, or to eat an apple. Suddenly, it sped away and wouldn't stop. What happened? Find out by reading about Laila's horse adventures!
Laila went for a ride on her horse, but the horse kept stopping to drink or to rest, to gaze out on the fields, or to eat an apple. Suddenly, it sped away and wouldn't stop. What happened? Find out by reading about Laila's horse adventures!
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