Baher and Triangles-باهر والمثلثات
By Nahdet Misr Publishing House
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- Author:
- Gerry Bailey (جيرى بيلى)
- Series:
- Baher - باهر
- Publisher:
- Nahdet Misr Publishing House
- Format:
- Paperback
- Age Range:
- Elementary school (5-10 Years)
- Language:
- Arabic
- Grade Level:
- 1-6 Grade
باهر ولد عبقري يعيش في العصر الحجري، وعنده قط أليف اسمه بسبس. باهر وبسبس يستكشفان معاً العالم المدهش بكل ما فيه من أشكال هندسية ومفاهيم رياضية، وهكذا يتوصلان إلى اختراعات مبتكرة. هنا يتعلم باهر وبسبس معلومات كثيرة عن المثلثات. انهما يكتشفان كيف يمكن أن تجتمع ثلاثة خطوط لتكون مثلثات بأشكال وأنواع مختلفة، ويتعرفان إلى أنواع المثلثات تلك، كما يستكشفان الزوايا والأضلاع، ويفهمان معنى الأشكال المثلثة ثلاثية الأبعاد التى تسمى الأهرامات، وأشهرها أهرامات الجيزة. وجميع اكتشافاتهما تحدث أثناء مغامرات شيقة، مليئة بالمعرفة والتسلية في نفس الوقت
Baher is a genius boy who lives in the Stone Age and has a pet cat named Besbes. Baher and Besbes, together, explore the amazing world with all its geometric shapes and mathematical concepts, and thus come up with innovative inventions. Here Baher and Besbes learn a lot about triangles. They discover how three lines can combine to form triangles of different shapes and types, and they become familiar with all types of triangles. They also explore angles and sides, and understand the meaning of three-dimensional triangular shapes called pyramids, the most famous of which are the pyramids of Giza. All their discoveries take place through interesting adventures, full of knowledge and entertainment at the same time.
Baher is a genius boy who lives in the Stone Age and has a pet cat named Besbes. Baher and Besbes, together, explore the amazing world with all its geometric shapes and mathematical concepts, and thus come up with innovative inventions. Here Baher and Besbes learn a lot about triangles. They discover how three lines can combine to form triangles of different shapes and types, and they become familiar with all types of triangles. They also explore angles and sides, and understand the meaning of three-dimensional triangular shapes called pyramids, the most famous of which are the pyramids of Giza. All their discoveries take place through interesting adventures, full of knowledge and entertainment at the same time.