Arabic Sanabel: Level KG2 سنابل العربية تمهيدي

By Dar Al Zeenat

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8.20 (in)
0.40 (in)
11.00 (in)
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Zeinat Al-Karmi
Dar Al Zeenat
Arabic Sanabel
Age Range:
Pre-K - 2nd Level (2-5 Years)
Grade Level:

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This book teaches children aged (5-6) the basic skills of the Arabic listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It presents linguistic skills gradually and according to children’s abilities and development. It also presents letters in their alphabetical order, demonstrating long vowels (alif ,waw , andya ), short vowels (fatha ,damma , andkasra ),hamza , andalif withhamza .
The book includes thirty lessons distributed into eight sections; each section includes an accumulative revision of previous skills and activities for vocabulary and concepts. It also includes a number of unique songs.
The book is accompanied by a series of thirty stories with beautiful illustrations. The hero of these stories is Doodi the worm, who takes the shape of the letter under study. Through the events and along with the characters of the story, children learn the vocabulary and acquire knowledge and values.
All of the conversation portions are a part of these tales, which engage children and increase their motivation to learn.
A teacher’s guide for the book helps teachers use the activities to achieve the objectives.

يتكون كل مستوى من رياض الأطفال من ثلاثين درسًا تم توزيعها في ثماني مجموعات بحيث تشتمل كل مجموعة على مراجعة تراكمية لما تعلمه الطفل، وأنشطة تحليل وتركيب متدرجة للمفردات والمفاهيم التي تعلمها. بالإضافة إلى إن كل مستوى يشتمل على أربع أناشيد محببة مضمونها ومفرداتها مما سبق وتعلمه الطفل، بشكل متدرج حسب تطور الدروس ويتبعها أسئلة وتمارين.

أما بالنسبة لدروس المستوى فإن كل درس يشتمل على مهارات اللغة ا

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