Arabic Stories for Kids & Teens

  • face-cover_ديكو-الطماع

    The Greedy Rooster -ديكو الطماع

    Deco is some rooster! He has many adventures on the farm of Uncle Marzouq. In every adventure, Deco learns from his mistakes and benefits from his experiences. He eventually becomes active, content, cooperative, modest and articulate. Find out how his...

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  • The House And The Palm - البيت و النخلة

    The House and the Palm - البيت و النخلة

    This is story of an old woman who left her house in the mountain, together with her grandson Faris, to carry out her son’s will, which is to educate her grandson Faris. The grandmother went to Madinah after she sold everything she owned on the mountain...

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  • بحيرة-النجوم

    The Lake Of Stars -بحيرة النجوم

    The best international writers specializing in the art of writing for children come together to provide this useful series accompanied by attractive colorful drawings that make reading an enjoyable process and nurture the child's taste as well as develop...

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  • "The Lie That Got Bigger الكذبة التي كبرت" written by Taghreed Arif Al-Najjar (تغريد عارف النجار)

    The Lie That Got Bigger الكذبة التي كبرت

    In this book, there is a story about a girl named Jude who, one day, tells a lie to get herself out of trouble. In this story, Jude finally can understand that how easily a simple lie gets bigger and bigger.Parents always try to encourage their children...

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  • The Red Bus -الحافلة الحمراء1

    The Red Bus -الحافلة الحمراء

    This story revolves around a girl at the age of thirteen: Her father passed away and her mother is distracted by the concerns of her other siblings, so she feels invisible while going through adolescence and a crisis of her sense of self. Read on to find...

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  • 45

    The Three Deer And The Monkeys -الغزالات الثلاث والقرود

    تهدف القصة عادةَ إلى توعية الطفل وإغناء فكره بمعلومات قيمة وعِبر حكيمة تساعده على التغلب على المصاعب التي قد تواجهه في حياته. من هنا جاءت أهمية سلسلة "حكاية وعبرة" التي تتضمن اثني عشر قصة ممتعة وتربوية مزينة بصور ملونة تجعل عملية القراءة مسلية، حيث يتعلم...

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  • The Weight Lifter -رافعة الأثقال

    The Weight Lifter -رافعة الأثقال

    Safa possesses special physical abilities in terms of the size of her body. Coincidence alone was behind the discovery of those abilities! One day she carried all the furniture of the house alone, prompting everyone to encourage her that she participate...

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  • The Wise King - الملك الحكيم

    The Wise King - الملك الحكيم

    In the story of the wise king, King Olagon puts his people in front of a great challenge when he invites people to meet with him in the town square. He tells them that he will choose from among them two friends who will help him with the affairs of...

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  • "The Wolf That Scared The Moon الذئب الذي أخاف القمر" written by Noha Tabbara Hammoud (نهى طباره حمود)

    The Wolf That Scared The Moon الذئب الذي أخاف القمر

    يُقالُ بِأَنَّ الذِّتَابَ تَعْوِي كَثِيراً في الليالي المُقْمِرَةِ أَمَّا لِماذا تَفْعَلُ ذَلكَ، فَهُناكَ عِدَّةٌ قِصَص، لَكِنَّنِي سَأُزِيدُ عَلَيْهَا قِصَّةً جَدِيدَةً. People say that wolves howl a lot during moonlit nights. Why do they do this? There...

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  • Tota -توته1

    Tota -توته

    Nira discusses her unwillingness to visit her grandmother, who is sick with Alzheimer's disease. However, a complete transformation occurs after her arrival. She always wished she had a sister, but her grandmother, Tota, becomes her friend and little...

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  • Up Above In The Sky - فوق فى السما

    Up Above in the Sky - فوووق في السماء

    Everyone understood that every game has rules and conditions and that adhering to them guarantees that everyone will enjoy.فهم الجميع أن لكل لعبة قواعد وشروطا وأن الالتزام بها هو الضمانة ليستمتع االجميع

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  • Vegetables Soup (شوربة الخضار)

    Vegetable Soup (شوربة الخضار)

    Vegetable Soup (شوربة الخضار) is an Arabic educational storybook for children to learn Arabic words. Beautifully illustrated and fun activities help children to learn Arabic words with effectively and with interest.

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  • We Are The World - إحنا الدنيا

    We Are The World - إحنا الدنيا

    We are the world. Yes, we are the world!Come with me to discover, learn and enjoy from our journey in this book.احنا الدنيانعم نحن العالمتعال معي للأكتشاف والتعلم والتمتع  برحلتنا معا  في هذا الكتاب

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  • face-cover_ديكو-الطماع

    The Greedy Rooster -ديكو الطماع

    Deco is some rooster! He has many adventures on the farm of Uncle Marzouq. In every adventure, Deco learns from his mistakes and benefits from his experiences. He eventually becomes active, content, cooperative, modest and articulate. Find out how his...

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  • The House And The Palm - البيت و النخلة

    The House and the Palm - البيت و النخلة

    This is story of an old woman who left her house in the mountain, together with her grandson Faris, to carry out her son’s will, which is to educate her grandson Faris. The grandmother went to Madinah after she sold everything she owned on the mountain...

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  • بحيرة-النجوم

    The Lake Of Stars -بحيرة النجوم

    The best international writers specializing in the art of writing for children come together to provide this useful series accompanied by attractive colorful drawings that make reading an enjoyable process and nurture the child's taste as well as develop...

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  • "The Lie That Got Bigger الكذبة التي كبرت" written by Taghreed Arif Al-Najjar (تغريد عارف النجار)

    The Lie That Got Bigger الكذبة التي كبرت

    In this book, there is a story about a girl named Jude who, one day, tells a lie to get herself out of trouble. In this story, Jude finally can understand that how easily a simple lie gets bigger and bigger.Parents always try to encourage their children...

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  • The Red Bus -الحافلة الحمراء1

    The Red Bus -الحافلة الحمراء

    This story revolves around a girl at the age of thirteen: Her father passed away and her mother is distracted by the concerns of her other siblings, so she feels invisible while going through adolescence and a crisis of her sense of self. Read on to find...

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  • 45

    The Three Deer And The Monkeys -الغزالات الثلاث والقرود

    تهدف القصة عادةَ إلى توعية الطفل وإغناء فكره بمعلومات قيمة وعِبر حكيمة تساعده على التغلب على المصاعب التي قد تواجهه في حياته. من هنا جاءت أهمية سلسلة "حكاية وعبرة" التي تتضمن اثني عشر قصة ممتعة وتربوية مزينة بصور ملونة تجعل عملية القراءة مسلية، حيث يتعلم...

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  • The Weight Lifter -رافعة الأثقال

    The Weight Lifter -رافعة الأثقال

    Safa possesses special physical abilities in terms of the size of her body. Coincidence alone was behind the discovery of those abilities! One day she carried all the furniture of the house alone, prompting everyone to encourage her that she participate...

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  • The Wise King - الملك الحكيم

    The Wise King - الملك الحكيم

    In the story of the wise king, King Olagon puts his people in front of a great challenge when he invites people to meet with him in the town square. He tells them that he will choose from among them two friends who will help him with the affairs of...

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  • "The Wolf That Scared The Moon الذئب الذي أخاف القمر" written by Noha Tabbara Hammoud (نهى طباره حمود)

    The Wolf That Scared The Moon الذئب الذي أخاف القمر

    يُقالُ بِأَنَّ الذِّتَابَ تَعْوِي كَثِيراً في الليالي المُقْمِرَةِ أَمَّا لِماذا تَفْعَلُ ذَلكَ، فَهُناكَ عِدَّةٌ قِصَص، لَكِنَّنِي سَأُزِيدُ عَلَيْهَا قِصَّةً جَدِيدَةً. People say that wolves howl a lot during moonlit nights. Why do they do this? There...

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  • Tota -توته1

    Tota -توته

    Nira discusses her unwillingness to visit her grandmother, who is sick with Alzheimer's disease. However, a complete transformation occurs after her arrival. She always wished she had a sister, but her grandmother, Tota, becomes her friend and little...

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  • Up Above In The Sky - فوق فى السما

    Up Above in the Sky - فوووق في السماء

    Everyone understood that every game has rules and conditions and that adhering to them guarantees that everyone will enjoy.فهم الجميع أن لكل لعبة قواعد وشروطا وأن الالتزام بها هو الضمانة ليستمتع االجميع

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  • Vegetables Soup (شوربة الخضار)

    Vegetable Soup (شوربة الخضار)

    Vegetable Soup (شوربة الخضار) is an Arabic educational storybook for children to learn Arabic words. Beautifully illustrated and fun activities help children to learn Arabic words with effectively and with interest.

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  • We Are The World - إحنا الدنيا

    We Are The World - إحنا الدنيا

    We are the world. Yes, we are the world!Come with me to discover, learn and enjoy from our journey in this book.احنا الدنيانعم نحن العالمتعال معي للأكتشاف والتعلم والتمتع  برحلتنا معا  في هذا الكتاب

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