When was Islam founded?

11th Apr 2022

When was Islam founded?

Islam founded

Islam is a religion that is rich with history, and all Muslims from around the world should be aware of it. So, in this article, we will learn about when was Islam founded and its history.

When did Islam start?

That is a question that comes in minds of many people when they ask about the history of Islam. So, when is Islam founded? The beginning of Islam can be traced back to 610 A.D. when the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) got his first revelation, as he saw the angel Jibril.

What is Islam?

One of the largest religions around the world is Islam it comes in second-largest religion after Christianity, with more than 1.8 billion Muslims.

Where was Islam founded?

Islam started in Mecca, which is known now as Saudi Arabia.

How old is Islam?

The beginning of Islam can be traced back to 610 A.D and it is still growing until now; it is the second-largest religion after Christianity worldwide.

Islam facts:

  • The meaning of the word Islam is “submission to the will of God.”
  • The name of the Islam followers is Muslims.
  • Muslims follow Allah's guidance and protect themselves against any harm by reading Quran and supplications.
  • The Quran is the holy book
  • Muslims tend to stay away from committing any sins or doing any forbidden thing in order to go to heaven in the afterlife.
  • The place of worship is the Mosque.
  • The holy places of Islam include the Kaaba shrine in Mecca, the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, and the Prophet Muhammad’s mosque in Medina.
  • Muslims follow the guidance of the Holy Quran and the prophet Hadith.
  • Muslims pray five times a day and read Quran. The five prayers are:
  1. Salat al-fajr: dawn, before sunrise
  2. Salat al-zuhr: midday, after the sun passes its highest
  3. Salat al-‘asr: the late part of the afternoon
  4. Salat al-maghrib: just after sunset
  5. Salat al-‘isha: between sunset and midnight
  • Muslims believe in the day of judgment and the afterlife.
  • The holy months of Islam are four sacred months in Islam are Zulkaedah, Zulhijjah, Muharram, and Rejab.
  • It’s the second-largest religion in the world.
  • The original Arabic text of the Quran has not been altered.
  • God means Allah in Arabic.
  • The Quran speaks about tolerance between Muslims and non-Muslims. The five pillars of Islam are:
  1. Shahada – the act of declaring your devotion and belief in Allah (SWT) and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  2. Salat – the act of praying five times a day
  3. Zakat – the act of giving charity
  4. Sawm – the act of fasting during the sacred month of Ramadan
  5. Hajj – the act of undertaking the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once

How did Islam operate?

Islam is the second-largest religion in the world with more than 1.5 billion followers, many Muslims live in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. The beginning of Islam was when the prophet Muhammad peace and blessing be upon him got his first revelation and he shared the words of Allah he received. The prophet and his followers were persecuted and not many people believed in Islam, so they had to leave mecca and went to medina in 622. The people in the medina welcomed the prophet and the followers of Islam and the Islam religion spread. When the number of Muslims grew, they were able to return to Mecca in the year 630 to become the center of Islam. Then Islam grew and reached many people and places in the middle east. After the prophet's death started the period known as the Rashidun Caliphate, where the Islam empire ruled the middle east. With time the Islam religion spread beyond the middle east through conquests to reach the big cities like Baghdad, Jerusalem, and Alexandria. Also, the North and Western parts of Africa were conquered taking control over much of the Byzantine and Persian territory. The third Caliph Uthman created a version of the Quran to keep the words of Allah spreading for many generations so that people can read Quran at any time without having to memorize it. Also, many mosques were built for people to worship Allah. After which was the beginning of the Umayyad Caliphate, where the Islamic empire grew to its peak and reached parts of Asia, India, Northern Africa, and parts of Europe. To unite the people and cultures, a common currency was made and the official language was Arabic, and also measurements were standardized. This led to the golden age, during which the Abbasid Dynasty took over by overthrowing the Umayyad.    

History of Islam?

During this period science, math, astronomy, medicine, and literature flourished. Libraries and schools were built and arts and architecture thrived. This period lasted until 1258. Some important Islamic dates:

  • 570 C.E. the year when the prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca. The prophet was known in Mecca for his honesty.
  • 610 C.E. the year when the prophet Muhammad got his first revelation when he was in a cave near Mecca. the angel Gabriel came to him and recited to him the first revelations of the Quran. The prophet was at the age of 40. He was told to spread Allah's words to his people.
  • 622 C.E. the hijrah or emigration. The prophet and his followers endured persecution in Mecca, but when it was too much they left and went to Medina. The people there accepted Islam and well treated the prophet and his followers. This date marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar.  
  • 630 C.E. Muhammad returns to Mecca with a large number of his followers. He enters the city peacefully, and eventually, all its citizens accept Islam. The prophet clears the idols and images out of the Kaaba and rededicates it to the worship of God alone.
  • 633 C.E. Muhammad dies after a prolonged illness. The Muslim community elects his father-in-law and close associate, Abu Bakr, as caliph, or successor.
  • 638 C.E. Muslims enter the area north of Arabia, known as "Sham," including Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, and Iraq.
  • 641 C.E. Muslims enter Egypt and routed the Byzantine army.
  • 655 C.E. Islam begins to spread throughout North Africa.
  • 661 C.E. Imam Ali is killed, bringing to an end the rule of the four "righteous caliphs": Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali. This also marks the beginning of the Umayyad rule.
  • 711 C.E. Muslims enter Spain in the west and India in the east. Eventually, almost the entire Iberian Peninsula is under Islamic control.
  • 750 C.E. The Abbasids take overrule from the Umayyads, shifting the seat of power to Baghdad.
  • 1000 C.E. Islam continues to spread throughout the continent of Africa, including Nigeria, which served as a trading liaison between the northern and central regions of Africa.
  • 1099 C.E. European Crusaders take Jerusalem from the Muslims. Eventually, Muslims defeat the Crusaders and regain control of the holy land.
  • 1120 C.E. Islam continues to spread throughout Asia. Malaysian traders interact with Muslims who teach them about Islam.
  • 1299 C.E. The earliest Ottoman state is formed in Anatolia, Turkey.
  • 1453 C.E. Ottomans conquer the Byzantine seat of Constantinople and change its name to Istanbul.

Islam number of followers

One of the largest religions around the world is Islam it comes as the second-largest religion after Christianity, with more than 1.8 billion Muslims. It started in Mecca when the prophet Muhammad peace and blessing be upon him got his first revelation as he saw the angel Jibril. Here are the top 10 Countries with the Largest Number of Muslims:

  • Indonesia (231,000,000)
  • Pakistan (212,300,000)
  • India (200,000,000)
  • Bangladesh (153,700,000)
  • Nigeria (95,000,000–103,000,000)
  • Egypt (85,000,000–90,000,000)
  • Iran (82,500,000)
  • Turkey (74,432,725)
  • Algeria (41,240,913)
  • Sudan (39,585,777)

Islam place of worship

The place of worship is called a mosque or masjid in Arabic. Now we have learned many things about Islam and when it started, if you want to learn more visit our Islamic bookstore Madinah media and you will find many Islamic books online like the book goodword Islamic studies".