What Do You Know About the Prophets? ماذا تعرف عن الأنبياء
By Dar Safeer (-دار سفير)
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- Author:
- Samir Halabi (سمير حلبي)
- Series:
- What do you know about ( ماذا تعرف عن )
- Illustrator:
- Mohamed Nabil (محمد نبيل)
- Publisher:
- Dar Safeer (-دار سفير)
- Format:
- Hardcover
- Language:
- Arabic
- Age Range:
- Elementary school (5-10 Years)
- Grade Level:
- K-5 Grade
What do you know about the Prophetﷺ , the other Prophets, the Companions and the Noble Quran? A wonderful and generalized presentation about the Noble Quran, the everlasting miracle. When was it revealed? Where was it revealed? How was it written down and collected and put in order? What are its virtues and miracles? How do we memorize? What are the etiquettes of reciting it and listening to it?
It is also a discussion of the Prophetﷺ, his birthplace, how he grew up, his jihad, his character, his descriptions, his miracles and his passing away. It further brings to light all the other Prophets, their lives, their families, their peoples, their trades, their miracles, and the examples that their lives are for us to follow.
It also mentions the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, and how they believed in the Prophetﷺ and gave him victory, how they participated in building a great nation, which led to huge civilizational and scientific achievements, how their character was and how they interacted with people. High Quality Volumes--Easy and Attractive Style--Appropriate for Children or Adults
ماذا تعرف عن؟ النبي – و الأنبياء – و الصحابة – و القرآن الكريم
عرض رائع و مجمل و موجز عن :القرآن الكريم المعجزة الخالدة متي نزل ؟ و أين نزل ؟ و كيف كتب و جمع و رتب؟ و ما هي فضائله و معجزاته ؟و كيف نحفظه ؟ و ما آداب تلاوته و الاستماع إليه ؟
و عن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم مولده و نشأته و جهاده و خلقه و صفاته و معجزاته و وفاته .
و عن الأنبياء جميعاً عليهم السلام ، حياتهم و أسرهم و أقوامهم و مهنهم و معجزاتهم و مواطن القدوة في حياتهم .
و عن الصحابة رضوان الله عليهم ، و كيف آمنوا بالنبي صلى الله عليه و سلم ، و نصروه ، و كيف ساهموا في بناء دولة عظيمة ذات إنجازات حضارية و فكرية كبيرة ، و كيف كانت أخلاقهم و معاملاتهم .
It is also a discussion of the Prophetﷺ, his birthplace, how he grew up, his jihad, his character, his descriptions, his miracles and his passing away. It further brings to light all the other Prophets, their lives, their families, their peoples, their trades, their miracles, and the examples that their lives are for us to follow.
It also mentions the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, and how they believed in the Prophetﷺ and gave him victory, how they participated in building a great nation, which led to huge civilizational and scientific achievements, how their character was and how they interacted with people. High Quality Volumes--Easy and Attractive Style--Appropriate for Children or Adults
ماذا تعرف عن؟ النبي – و الأنبياء – و الصحابة – و القرآن الكريم
عرض رائع و مجمل و موجز عن :القرآن الكريم المعجزة الخالدة متي نزل ؟ و أين نزل ؟ و كيف كتب و جمع و رتب؟ و ما هي فضائله و معجزاته ؟و كيف نحفظه ؟ و ما آداب تلاوته و الاستماع إليه ؟
و عن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم مولده و نشأته و جهاده و خلقه و صفاته و معجزاته و وفاته .
و عن الأنبياء جميعاً عليهم السلام ، حياتهم و أسرهم و أقوامهم و مهنهم و معجزاتهم و مواطن القدوة في حياتهم .
و عن الصحابة رضوان الله عليهم ، و كيف آمنوا بالنبي صلى الله عليه و سلم ، و نصروه ، و كيف ساهموا في بناء دولة عظيمة ذات إنجازات حضارية و فكرية كبيرة ، و كيف كانت أخلاقهم و معاملاتهم .