Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor - رحلات السندباد البحري
By Nahdet Misr Publishing House
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- Author:
- Muhammad Al-Shazly (محمد الشاذلي)
- Publisher:
- Nahdet Misr Publishing House
- Illustrator:
- Reem Haiba (ريم هيبة)
- Format:
- Paperback
- Language:
- Arabic
- Age Range:
- Elementary school (5-10 Years)
- Grade Level:
- K-5 Grade
All seven of the voyages of Sinbad the Sailor begin at the port of Basra in Iraq. But they take him to all the shores of the Arabian Peninsula as well as the shores of the nearby Indian Ocean islands and the shores of India, Persia, Abyssinia and the southern portion of Africa. For this reason, the wonders that Sinbad talks about come in a variety of beautiful forms and colors. The islands and shores he landed on were each of their own unique nature in terms of their natural environment and geography such as different kinds of trees, and different types of people. Each time Sinbad the sailor would make it through the difficulties and dangers of a journey, and finally get safely back to Basra, he would swear an oath that he would never sail again because of what he faced. However, despite this, each time, after a while the uncomfortable memories would fade away from Sinbad and his longing to go on another adventure would increase. Then he would forget the past difficulties and only remember the pleasures of traveling, such as discovering new worlds and seeing strange lands and meeting a diversity of people--different colors, sizes, languages, customs and thoughts. This would eventually drive Sinbad back to the sea. These numerous journeys, with all their wonders are what made the adventures of Sinbad the sailor one of the most timeless and wonderful stories, which people can read over and over again
بدأت جميع رحلات السندباد البحري السبعة من ميناء البصرة بالعراق لكنها مرت بكل سواحل الخليج والجزر القريبة من بلاد فار
والهند والحبشة وشاطئ إفريقيا.. ولذلك كانت العجائب التي تكلم عنها السندباد متنوعة الأشكال والألوان.. الجزر والشواطئ التي نزل عليها اختلفت في طبيعتها وأشجارها وسكانها .. ورغم أن السندباد البحري كان يُقسم في كل مرة ألا يقوم بأي رحلة من هول المتاعب والأخطار التي واجهها فقد كان يجذبه الحنين إلى المغامرة وركوب البحر فينسى ما لاقاه ولا يذكر إلا متعة السفر واكتشاف عوالم جديدة ومشاهدة بلاد غريبة ومقابلة أناس مختلفي الألوان والأحجام واللغات والعادات والأفكار.. وهو ما جعل قصة السندباد البحري من أجمل القصص وأروع المغامرات التي تحدثت عنها الحكايات