The Tree that Reached the Clouds الشجرة التي طالت السحاب
By Nahdet Misr Publishing House
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Nahdet Misr Publishing House
The Tree that Reached the Clouds الشجرة التي طالت السحاب
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- Author:
- Shehab Sultan (شهاب سلطان)
- Publisher:
- Nahdet Misr Publishing House
- Illustrator:
- Mohsen Refaat (محسن رفعت)
- Format:
- Hardcover
- Language:
- Arabic
- Age Range:
- Elementary school (5-10 Years)
- Grade Level:
- K-5 Grade
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الشجرة التى طالت السحاب ياله من اسم جذاب يا ترى هل حقا توجد شجرة يمكن ان تطول السحاب ؟ هذا ما فكرت به لاول مرة عندما قرات اسم هذا الكتاب هيا بنا نكتشف سويا قصة هذة الشجرة التى طالت السحاب
The Tree that Lengthened the Clouds ...what an attractive title! Do you really think there is a tree that can grow the clouds long? This is what I thought for the first time when I read the title of this book.
The Tree that Lengthened the Clouds ...what an attractive title! Do you really think there is a tree that can grow the clouds long? This is what I thought for the first time when I read the title of this book.
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