The Story Of King Bir-حكاية الملك بير
By Nahdet Misr Publishing House
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- Author:
- Ihab Shaker (إيهاب شاكر)
- Publisher:
- Nahdet Misr Publishing House
- Format:
- Hardcover
- Language:
- Arabic
- Age Range:
- Elementary school (5-10 Years)
- Grade Level:
- K-5 Grade
بيرطفل صغير ، فجأة يجد نفسه ملكا بعد إختفاء والديه ، ولأنه صغير فقد كان يأمر شعبه بأوامر صعبة ، تحملها الناس فى ألم شديد ، وتمنوا أن يكبر ملكهم حتى يدرك مايفعله .. كبر الملك لكنه كان شابا مدللا ، اعتاد أن يأمر فيطاع .. إلى أن جاء يوم طلب فيه الملك من شعبه أمرا مستحيلا ، فلم يستطع الشعب تنفيذه . فيحدث تغيير كبير فى حياة هذا الملك ويدرك أنه كان مخطئا وأن شعبه يحبه
A young child suddenly finds himself king after his parents disappear. But because he is young, he ordered his people to execute difficult commands which they undertook with great pain. All the while, they wished that their king would grow up and realize what he was doing. The king does grow up, but he was a spoiled young man, and he is used to commanding and being obeyed. A day comes when the king asks his people to accomplish an impossible task, and the people could not do it. A great change is brewing in the kingdom, as the king realizes that he was wrong and that his people love him.
A young child suddenly finds himself king after his parents disappear. But because he is young, he ordered his people to execute difficult commands which they undertook with great pain. All the while, they wished that their king would grow up and realize what he was doing. The king does grow up, but he was a spoiled young man, and he is used to commanding and being obeyed. A day comes when the king asks his people to accomplish an impossible task, and the people could not do it. A great change is brewing in the kingdom, as the king realizes that he was wrong and that his people love him.