The Kingdoms of Heaven: The Servant of the Castle - ممالك السماء: خادم القلعة
By Nahdet Misr Publishing House
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- Author:
- Nasrallah Al-Mulla (نصر الله الملا)
- Series:
- The Kingdoms of Heaven (ممالك السماء)
- Publisher:
- Nahdet Misr Publishing House
- Format:
- Paperback
- Language:
- Arabic
- Age Range:
- Elementary school (5-10 Years);Middle school (11-13 Years)
- Grade Level:
- K-5 Grade;6-8 Grade
(بترا) مدينة الخوف والهلاك عاش أهلها لسنوات طوال لايعرفون مداها، يتحملون قسوة هذه اليابسة الملعونة، وأخيرًا أخذ البطل من تبقى معه بعد ما لاقاه من كوبر وفرسانه متجهًا نحوها ليس أمامه إلا إياها فالهلاك محقق وسط هذه الصحراء القاحلة (البوابة هى مفتاح النصر) هكذا قال لنفسه بعد أن سطع ضوء السماء على تلك الصحاري الفسيحة فهل سيستطيع دخول هذه المدينة؟
Petra: The city of fear and doom. Its people lived for many years without knowing the extent, enduring the cruelty of this cursed land, and finally, the hero took what was left with him. After what he met from Cooper and his knights, he headed towards Petra, with nothing in front of him except death, as is certain in the middle of this barren desert. The gate is the key to victory, thus, he said to himself after the light of the sky shone on those vast deserts, "Will I be able to enter this city?"
Petra: The city of fear and doom. Its people lived for many years without knowing the extent, enduring the cruelty of this cursed land, and finally, the hero took what was left with him. After what he met from Cooper and his knights, he headed towards Petra, with nothing in front of him except death, as is certain in the middle of this barren desert. The gate is the key to victory, thus, he said to himself after the light of the sky shone on those vast deserts, "Will I be able to enter this city?"