The Great Nile-النيل العظيم
By Nahdet Misr Publishing House
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Nahdet Misr Publishing House
The Great Nile-النيل العظيم
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- Author:
- Abdul Maqsoud Muhammad (عبد المقصود محمد)
- Illustrator:
- Sameh Mahmoud (سامح محمود)
- Publisher:
- Nahdet Misr Publishing House
- Format:
- Paperback
- Language:
- Arabic
- Age Range:
- Middle school (11-13 Years)
- Grade Level:
- 6-8 Grade
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يحكي الكتاب عن أهم عناصر ومكونات البيئة المصرية وهو نهر النيل العظيم. كما يروي قصة حياته وكيف أنه ولد بعد حادث رهيب حيث شهد الجانب الشرقي من قارة إفريقيا ثورة عنيفة في باطن الأرض أسفرت عن زلازل وبراكين هائلة
The book tells about the most important element and component of the Egyptian landscape and environment: the great Nile River. It also tells the story of its life and how it was born after a terrible accident where the eastern side of the continent of Africa witnessed a violent revolution in the earth's interior that resulted in massive earthquakes and volcanoes.
The book tells about the most important element and component of the Egyptian landscape and environment: the great Nile River. It also tells the story of its life and how it was born after a terrible accident where the eastern side of the continent of Africa witnessed a violent revolution in the earth's interior that resulted in massive earthquakes and volcanoes.
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