Sameh and the Black Cat - سامح والقط الاسود

By Dar Safeer (-دار سفير)

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Salama Mohammed Salama (سلامة محمد سلامة)
Misconceptions - مَفَاهِيمُ خَاطِئَةٌ ( التَّشَاؤُمُ )
Rasha Kamel (رشا كامل)
Dar Safeer (-دار سفير)
Age Range:
Elementary school (5-10 Years);Pre-K - 2nd Level (2-5 Years)
Grade Level:
K-5 Grade;preschool

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If we make fun of everything, and then say, "We were just kidding!" or lie repeatedly saying, "It was a white lie, there was no harm in it," or if we cheat on exams and say, "It was harmless cheating," or if we get frustrated with certain objects and call them "cursed" or "bad luck" objects, then eventually we will be harmed by these things that we are saying are harmless. Or we might end up hanging something in our houses or wearing an amulet that we attribute power to giving us good fortune. These are all bad characteristics that many of our children fall into. In fact, even us as adults fall into these so-called, "harmless" mistakes. This is a new series that is basically an effort to cry out against all these concepts and to guide our children back to the correct path in a simple and innovative style

ان نسخر من كل شئ ثم نقول كنا نمزح أو نضحك او ان نكذب ونكذب ثم نقول انه كذب ابيض لا ضرر منه او ان نغش فى الامتحان ونقول هذا غش لا ضرر منه او ان نتشاءم من اشياء معينة ونصفها بانها نحس سوف توقع الضرر علينا او نرتدي شيئا او نعلقة فى بيوتنا بغرض جلب الحظ كلها مفاهيم خاطئة يقع فيها كثير من ابنائنا بل نقع فيها نحن ايضا فهذه السلسلة الجديدة هى محاولة لتصيح كل تلك المفاهيم وارشاد ابنائنا الى الطريق الصحيح ولكن باسلوب بسيط مبتكر.

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