One Minute-دقيقة واحدة
By Nahdet Misr Publishing House
- Gift wrapping:
- Options available
- Author:
- Teddy Slater
- Illustrator:
- Dana Regan
- Publisher:
- Nahdet Misr Publishing House
- Format:
- Paperback
- Language:
- Arabic
- Age Range:
- Elementary school (5-10 Years)
- Grade Level:
- K-5 Grade
واحدة من أروع وأهم السلاسل العلمية للأطفال، تضم حوالي 30 كتابًا، وتتميز بأن موضوعاتها مختلفة عن النمط السائد، فتجد اهتمامًا بالكسور الحسابية، والمقارنة بين المجموعات الحسابية، وحساب الوقت، وأفكار حسابية ممتعة، وشرح الساعة والدقيقة، وكيفية القياس، ورسم الخرائط… إلخ. ويميز السلسلة أسلوب غاية في السهولة كُتبت به، والطريقة القصصية الرائعة، مع الرسومات والتصاميم الممتعة، ويصلح لطفل في الصف الثاني الابتدائي مثلًا مع مساعدتك، سوف يساعده كثيرًا في دراسته
One of the most wonderful and most important scientific series for children! It includes about 30 books, and its topics are unique. You will find interesting narrations in arithmetic fractions, comparison between arithmetic groups, calculating time, fun arithmetic ideas, explaining the hour and minute, how to measure, and drawing maps, etc. The series is characterized by an easy style. Furthermore, the wonderful story method, with interesting graphics and design, is suitable for a child in the second grade of primary school. With your help, it will help your child in much of his/her studies.
One of the most wonderful and most important scientific series for children! It includes about 30 books, and its topics are unique. You will find interesting narrations in arithmetic fractions, comparison between arithmetic groups, calculating time, fun arithmetic ideas, explaining the hour and minute, how to measure, and drawing maps, etc. The series is characterized by an easy style. Furthermore, the wonderful story method, with interesting graphics and design, is suitable for a child in the second grade of primary school. With your help, it will help your child in much of his/her studies.