My New Baby Sister -اختى الجديدة
By Al Dar Al Masriah Al Lubnaniah (الدار المصرية اللبنانية)
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- Author:
- Tom Easton
- Series:
- New Adventures (مغامرات جديدة)
- Illustrator:
- Charlie Alder
- Publisher:
- Al Dar Al Masriah Al Lubnaniah (الدار المصرية اللبنانية)
- Format:
- Paperback
- Language:
- Arabic
- Age Range:
- Elementary school (5-10 Years);Pre-K - 2nd Level (2-5 Years)
- Grade Level:
- K-5 Grade;preschool
This story tells about the feelings of Hani when he finds out that a new addition is coming to his family, which would be either a brother or a sister. The story tells about Hani's anxiety, about his parents' care and playtime being diverted away from him. This story explains to us the feelings of anxiety and jealousy that children have to deal with when the family welcomes a new baby. However, if the parents are understanding and if they are in touch with their child the jealousy will eventually turn to love and a sense of protecting the younger siblings
تحكي هذه القصة مشاعر «هاني» عندما علم بأن هناك ضيفًا جديدًا سيأتي لأسرته؛ أخًا أو أختًا، وقلقه من انسحاب اهتمام والديه به ولعبهما معه. تشير القصة إلى شعور الأطفال بالقلق والغيرة من الإخوة الصغار، لكن مع تفهم الآباء، ومتابعتهم الواعية، تتحول الغيرة إلى محبة ورعاية للإخوة الصغار.