My Father Is Retired -أبى على المعاش
By Al Dar Al Masriah Al Lubnaniah (الدار المصرية اللبنانية)
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Al Dar Al Masriah Al Lubnaniah (الدار المصرية اللبنانية)
My Father Is Retired -أبى على المعاش
- SKU:
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- Author:
- Abdel-Tawab Youssef (عبد التواب يوسف);Saleh Waheed (صالح وحيد)
- Publisher:
- Al Dar Al Masriah Al Lubnaniah (الدار المصرية اللبنانية)
- Series:
- Family tales (حكايات عائلية)
- Format:
- Paperback
- Language:
- Arabic
- Age Range:
- Elementary school (5-10 Years)
- Grade Level:
- K-5 Grade
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هذه السلسلة تعتمد على تقديم دروس وقيم حياتية ترتبط بشدة بحياة الأطفال وأسرهم في مختلف المواقف، مقدمة الحلول الرائعة لهذه الظروف الحياتية من خلال أسلوب حواري سلس، مدعومًا برسوم بسيطة تناسب الأطفال وما يتسمون به من رغبة في مواجهة أي مواقف جديدة في حياتهم
This series is based on providing life lessons and values that are closely related to the lives of children and their families in various situations, offering wonderful solutions to these life circumstances through a smooth dialogue style, supported by simple drawings that suit children and their desire to face any new situations in their lives.
This series is based on providing life lessons and values that are closely related to the lives of children and their families in various situations, offering wonderful solutions to these life circumstances through a smooth dialogue style, supported by simple drawings that suit children and their desire to face any new situations in their lives.
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