Mosque From The Sixteenth Century - مسجد من القرن السادس عشر
By Nahdet Misr Publishing House
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- Options available
- Author:
- Fiona MacDonald
- Illustrator:
- Mark Bergin
- Publisher:
- Nahdet Misr Publishing House
- Format:
- Paperback
- Language:
- Arabic
- Age Range:
- Elementary school (5-10 Years)
- Grade Level:
- K-5 Grade
فلتدخل إلى مسجد من القرن السادس عشر ولتكتشف بنفسك عجائب العمارة الاسلامية . تعرف على مكونات المسجد واكتشف كيف تشيد القباب والمآذن . شاهد عمال البناء أثناء عملهم فى نحت النقوش وعمل الزخارف النفيسة.
Enter a mosque from the sixteenth century and discover for yourself the wonders of Islamic architecture. Learn about the components of the mosque and discover how domes and minarets are constructed. Watch the construction workers at work carving inscriptions and making precious decorations.
Enter a mosque from the sixteenth century and discover for yourself the wonders of Islamic architecture. Learn about the components of the mosque and discover how domes and minarets are constructed. Watch the construction workers at work carving inscriptions and making precious decorations.