Let's Find Out - Guessing (هيا نكتشف - التخمين)

By Nahdet Misr Publishing House

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John Burstein
Let’s Find Out (هيا نكتشف)
Nahdet Misr Publishing House
Age Range:
Elementary school (5-10 Years)
Grade Level:
K-5 Grade

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How many fruits are on the trees

In this book, mathmeticians present concepts to your child that are related to how many of something there is, how much of something and the like, by way of estimation. For example, the child counts the fruit on the branch of one tree in an orchard, then counts the number of branches on that tree and then counts the number of trees in that orchard. Based on this, the child will give an accurate estimation on the total number of fruit on the trees

Come on and discover

The publishing company, Nahdet Nasr, is committed to realizing a revival in the Arab world and this publishing company is honored to present to children who speak or read Arabic this series, which is simple and compelling. And in this series, schools and families will find the best help in ingraining the love of science and math into the souls of children. It will make your child look at science and math in a different light and feel that these subjects are both beneficial and captivating

كم عدد الثمار على الأشجار ؟

في هذا الكتاب يقدم أصحاب عالم الحساب لطفلك مفهوم تقدير الأعداد والكميات وذلك بتخمين عدد الثمار التي تنمو على فروع أشجار إحدى الحدائق .

هيا نكتشف

وحرصا من نهضة مصر على تحقيق نهضة في وطننا العربي يشرفها أن تقدم للطفل العربي السلسلة المبسطة الشيقة التي تجد فيها الأسرة والمدرسة خير عون على ترسيخ حب العلوم والحساب في نفوس الأطفال هذه السلسلة ستجعل طفلك يرى العلوم والحساب رؤية جديدة مفيدة وممتعة ..

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