Juha And The Ring-جحا والخاتم
By Dar Al Roqe'i (دار الرقي)
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- Author:
- Dr. Tariq al-Bakri (د. طارق البكري)
- Illustrator:
- Ziad Issawi (زیاد عیساوی)
- Publisher:
- Dar Al Roqe'i (دار الرقي)
- Format:
- Paperback
- Language:
- Arabic
- Age Range:
- Elementary school (5-10 Years)
- Grade Level:
- K-5 Grade
لا شك أن اسم جحا من أكثر الأسماء الفكاهية إشتهاراً في العالميين العربي والشرقي، حيث أضحكت قصصه ملايين من البشر من مختلف الأعمار لأجيال مختلفة على مدار عصور وليومنا هذا. وقد تضمنت سلسلة "مغامرات جحا" أجمل القصص الموجهة للأطفال وبطلها هو الشخصية المحبوبة "جحا"، وقد ألحقت كل قصة بأسئلة توضيحية ليستفيد منها الطفل ويراجع أحداث القصة. وقد حملت هذه السلسة عشرة عناوين هي: وزة جحا، جحا الطبيب، جحا والقاضي، جحا والخاتم، جحا والسائل، جحا والحمار، جحار وحمار الوالين مسمار جحا؟، جحا واللص، جحا والقاضي الظالم
There is no doubt that the name Juha is one of the most famous names in comedy in the Arab and Eastern worlds, as its stories have made millions of people of different ages laugh throughout different generations and even to this day.The Adventures of Juha series includes the most beautiful stories intended for children and its hero is the beloved character "Juha." Each story comes with clarifying questions for the child to review the events of the story. This series includes ten titles:
Juha's Goose Juha the Doctor Juha and the Judge Juha and the Seal Juha and the Liquid, Juha and the Donkey Juha and the Donkey of the Guardians Nail Juha? Juha and the Thief Juha and the Unjust Judge
There is no doubt that the name Juha is one of the most famous names in comedy in the Arab and Eastern worlds, as its stories have made millions of people of different ages laugh throughout different generations and even to this day.The Adventures of Juha series includes the most beautiful stories intended for children and its hero is the beloved character "Juha." Each story comes with clarifying questions for the child to review the events of the story. This series includes ten titles:
Juha's Goose Juha the Doctor Juha and the Judge Juha and the Seal Juha and the Liquid, Juha and the Donkey Juha and the Donkey of the Guardians Nail Juha? Juha and the Thief Juha and the Unjust Judge