Its Ramadan, Curious George

By HarperCollins

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9.00 (in)
0.50 (in)
8.00 (in)
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Hena Khan
Board Book
Age Range:
Elementary school (5-10 Years)
Grade Level:
K-5 Grade
It's Ramadan Curious George is a story about George celebrating his first day of Ramadan with his friend Kareem and his family. It is an informational book with a good story about helping a friend. It contains age-appropriate language. It provides children with information about fasting, while keeping it interesting with the familiar children's book character named Curious George. It will help children learn new things about a different tradition and culture while reading this.

Being a simple book to read, your young children will enjoy learning about the month of Ramadan. Besides, children from other religions can learn all about the traditions related toRamadan . Furthermore, the simplicity as well as the compelling illustrations really help young readers understand the customs which are described in the text. It will also encourage your young kids to help others, just like Curious George who helps his friend Kareem.
  • 5
    Funny one

    Posted by Qamar on 21st Jan 2025

    My girl loves Curious George so she really enjoyed this book and learned many lessons from it.

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