Islam and Youth Problems - الإسلام ومشكلات الشباب

By Dar Al Fikr

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Dr. Muhammad Saeed Ramadan Al-Bouti
Dar Al Fikr
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Islam and the Problem of Youth is the fifth book in a series of research at the summit, as the problems of youth are not problems springing from an inherent problem in them, as much as they are problems of the society in which they live. And attaching them to the youth is an accusation of the innocent and an acquittal of the guilty! It's an oppression or tyranny to use the concept of elders being "superior" to the youth because it is an attempt to maintain the status quo of an imbalanced society. Rather, we should urge elders to take their rightful place as the wise and responsible people of a community who are there to guide and support our youth.

الإسلام ومشكلات الشباب... هو الكتاب الخامس ضمن سلسلة أبحاث في القمّة، فمشكلات الشباب ليست مشكلاتٍ متعلقة بهم، بمقدار ما هي مشكلات للمجتمع الَّذي يعيشون فيه.وإلصاقها بالشباب، اتِّهام للبريء وتبرئة للمسؤول! وتكفيلهم بالاستعلاء عليها، مع إبقاء مجتمعاتهم على حالها، ضربٌ عجيبٌ من التصرُّف العابث

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