ICO Learn Arabic (Set of 6 Books, With Teacher Guides, Pre-K - 2 )

By ICO - International Curricula Organization

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Dr. Mahmood Saleh;Dr. Mukhtar Hussein;Nasif Abdul Aziz
ICO Learn Arabic - تعلم العربية
ICO - International Curricula Organization
Age Range:
Pre-K - 2nd Level (2-5 Years)
Grade Level:

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This is a comprehensive series designed to teach Arabic to English- speaking children, youth and adults. It offers the latest methods of second-language instruction, with special emphasis on building the four linguistic skills needed to learn a language: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The program introduces linguistic elements, such as words, expressions and grammatical constructions, through the use of real-life situations.
Learn Arabic series project is a distinguished one because:
  • This curriculum meets the needs of the target group for integrated, coherent, and appropriate curricula.
  • They were prepared according to scientific bases, assimilating the most recent educational and psychological theories.
  • They were prepared by special educationists who are experienced in designing curricula and who are familiar with the needs of the target group.
  • They employed the most recent techniques and educational aids.
  • They went through many quality control processes, which were carried out by specialized committees, and they were enhanced by teachers who evaluated the curriculum before releasing them.
The Features and Characteristics of the Textbooks: The textbooks prepared by the International Curricula Organization (ICO) have certain features, which distinguish them from any other textbooks:
First: The Technical Features:
  • The textbooks have been designed in accordance with the international quality standards in all aspects: colors, paper, size, illustration, and printing.
  • They have been furnished with the appropriate illustrations and pictures which match the students’ educational stage and environment.
  • The texts have been distributed and organized in a way that makes the type stand out, paying special attention to the font type and size, and the spaces; and colors were chosen carefully to appeal to the target stage.
Second: The Instructional and Linguistic Features:
  • Reinforce the proper linguistic basis of the non-Arabic speaking students.
  • They build the students’ linguistic dictionary according to their environmental needs.
  • Provide non-Arabic speaking students with a good deal of Arabian Culture vocabulary.
  • Identify the correct articulations of the different sounds, through the extensive sound exercises.
  • Provide strong emphasis on reading texts while students can employ the rules of the Arabic language.
  • Provide an integrated curriculum with well-prepared scientific content and vocabulary.
  • Take into consideration the students’ individual mental differences and their diverse linguistic skills.
  • Consider the students’ different cultures.
  • Develop the students’ creativity and mental faculties.
Thirdly: The Educational Content Features:
  • Reinforce the principle of cooperation and the etiquettes of acting on several situations.
  • Develop the exciting spirituality and values of the students while having fun conversation and introducing for lessons’ content.
  • Help students have good attitude and passion to earn more of Arabic lessons.
  • Focus on learning through communication
  • Development of critical thinking skills
  • Discussion of the rich culture surrounding the Arabic language
  • Lessons present real-life situations
  • Islamic themes

سلسة شاملة تعنى بتعليم اللغة العربية للأطفال و البالغين ، غير الناطقين بها . تعتمد هذه المجموعة على أحدث طرق التعليم و تحفيز تعلم اللغة العربية كلغة ثانية ، و تصعيد قدرة المهارات اللغوية الأربع (السمع ، النطق ، القراءة ، و الكتابة ) هذه السلسة تعرض العناصر اللغوية ، كالكلمات و المصطلحات و القواعد اللغوية ،سلسة شاملة تعنى بتعليم اللغة العربية للأطفال و البالغين ، غير الناطقين بها . تعتمد هذه المجموعة على أحدث طرق التعليم و تحفيز تعلم اللغة العربية كلغة ثانية ، و تصعيد قدرة المهارات اللغوية الأربع (السمع ، النطق ، القراءة ، و الكتابة ) هذه السلسة تعرض العناصر اللغوية ، كالكلمات و المصطلحات و القواعد اللغوية ، عن طريق التمثيل بمواقف وقعية معيوشة .

تهدف سلسلة "تعلم العربية " من الروضة الى المستوى الثاني عشر إلى تعليم اللغة العربية للأطفال والشباب وفق أحدث الطرائق المعروفة في تعليم اللغات الاجنبية . وايمانا من مؤسسة مناهج بأهمية تعليم اللغة بوصفها أداة للتواصل الشفهي والكتابي ووسيله للحصول على المعرفة والمعلومات في شتى صورها تم التأكيد على الجانب الوظيفي للغة دون اهمال للمعلومات النظرية خاصة في المستويات المتقدمة وراعت هذه السلسلة تعليم اللغة من خلال المكونات الثلاثة :

  • العناصر ( الأصوات ، والحروف والالفاظ والتراكيب)
  • والمهارات الاربع ( الاستماع والتحدث والقراءة والكتابة (
  • والوظائف اللغوية مثل (التقديم والتعارف والوصف والطلب والاعتذار(

مع تقديم كل ذلك في جو الثقافة الاسلامية من حيث الموضوعات الدينية والتاريخية والجغرافيه وغيرها اضافة الى ملامح من الثقافة العلمية المشتركه بين الامم المختلفة.

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