I Don't Know What To Say I Think I'm Shy -لا أعرف ماذا أقول أعتقد أنى خجول
By Nahdet Misr Publishing House
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- Options available
- Author:
- Barbara Cain
- Illustrator:
- J. J. Smith-Moore
- Publisher:
- Nahdet Misr Publishing House
- Format:
- Paperback
- Language:
- Arabic
- Age Range:
- Elementary school (5-10 Years)
- Grade Level:
- K-5 Grade
لا اعرف ماذا اقول اعتقد انى خجول
.. الخجل مش مشكلة فى حد ذاتة ولكن لما بيوصل للانطواء او عدم المشاركة مع العالم الخارجى يبقى محتاج حلول للسيطرة علية .
قصة جميلة عن ولد خجول جدا وخجلة كان بيمنعة يتعامل مع الناس من حوالية وكمان فى اخر الكتاب ارشادات للاباء ازاى يتعاملوا مع الخجل بطريقة سليمة متأذيش نفسية الطفل
"I don't know what to say! I think I'm shy." Shyness is not a problem in itself, but when it leads to extreme introversion or lack of participation with the outside world, it needs to be balanced out. This is a beautiful story about a very shy boy whose shyness used to prevent him from dealing with the people around him. At the end of the book, instructions are included for parents on how to deal with shyness in a proper way that does not harm the child’s psyche or breaks his/her spirit.
.. الخجل مش مشكلة فى حد ذاتة ولكن لما بيوصل للانطواء او عدم المشاركة مع العالم الخارجى يبقى محتاج حلول للسيطرة علية .
قصة جميلة عن ولد خجول جدا وخجلة كان بيمنعة يتعامل مع الناس من حوالية وكمان فى اخر الكتاب ارشادات للاباء ازاى يتعاملوا مع الخجل بطريقة سليمة متأذيش نفسية الطفل
"I don't know what to say! I think I'm shy." Shyness is not a problem in itself, but when it leads to extreme introversion or lack of participation with the outside world, it needs to be balanced out. This is a beautiful story about a very shy boy whose shyness used to prevent him from dealing with the people around him. At the end of the book, instructions are included for parents on how to deal with shyness in a proper way that does not harm the child’s psyche or breaks his/her spirit.