Franklin in the Hospital - فرى فى المستشفى
By Nahdet Misr Publishing House
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- Author:
- Paulette Bourgeois
- Illustrator:
- Brenda Clark
- Series:
- New experiences - خبرات جديدة
- Publisher:
- Nahdet Misr Publishing House
- Format:
- Paperback
- Language:
- Arabic
- Age Range:
- Elementary school (5-10 Years)
- Grade Level:
- K-5 Grade
يحتاج فري إلى عملية جراحية بعد إصابة درعه بكسرٍ في خلال مباراة كرة القدم. في المستشفى، يمدح الجميع شجاعته. لكن عندما يحين موعد إجراء صورة الأشعة، يرفض ذلك قبل أن ينهار ويخبر الطبيبة بأنّه يخشى أن يرى أحدٌ خوفه. تواسيه الطبيبة وتشرح له أنّ الشجاعة هي القيام بما يجب علينا القيام به حتى لو شعرنا بالخوف هذه القصة من القصص القليلة التي تشرح بالتفصيل ماذا يجري في المستشفى حين يحتاج الطفل إلى عملية جراحية (التخدير وغرفة العمليات والإفاقة والتحاليل والأشعة
Frey needs surgery after his shield was broken during a football match. In the hospital, everyone praises his bravery. But when it's time for the x-ray, he refuses. He collapses and tells the doctor that he's afraid someone will see how fearful he is. The doctor consoles him and explains that courage is doing what we have to do even if we feel afraid. This story is one of the few stories that explain in detail what happens in the hospital when a child needs surgery (anesthesia, operating room, recovery, tests and x-rays).
Frey needs surgery after his shield was broken during a football match. In the hospital, everyone praises his bravery. But when it's time for the x-ray, he refuses. He collapses and tells the doctor that he's afraid someone will see how fearful he is. The doctor consoles him and explains that courage is doing what we have to do even if we feel afraid. This story is one of the few stories that explain in detail what happens in the hospital when a child needs surgery (anesthesia, operating room, recovery, tests and x-rays).