Face to Face with Frogs (وجها لوجه مع الضفادع)

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Mark Moffett
Face to Face with Animals (وجها لوجه مع الحيوانات)
Nahdet Misr Publishing House
Age Range:
Elementary school (5-10 Years);Middle school (11-13 Years)
Grade Level:
K-5 Grade;6-8 Grade

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You’re two inches away from a poison dart frog. You’re lying on the rain forest floor as she hops toward you, utterly fearless. This deadly terribilis frog has nothing to fear; your fear is that any accidental contact with your skin could mean death!

Let Mark Moffett give you the expert view on our amphibian friends, from metamorphosis to diet, from habitat to distinctive features; and learn why we urgently need to foster a healthier planet for these sensitive creatures

Mark Moffett is an environmental journalist, scholar, adventurer and discoverer. He is an expert of the canopy of the rainforest and he and his team have broken the world record when they were able to climb the tallest tree in the world. Likewise, he has obtained many important awards . He specializes in the study and photography of ants, spiders and frogs. He has authored many valuable books in which he narrates his experiences with rainforest creatures, which are a mix of exciting adventures, natural photography, tedious scholarly research. And in this book, he relays his  valuable experiences to all of the children of the world

مارك دابليو. موفيت عالم بيئي ومصور ومغامر مستكشف. إنه خبير في ظلة الغابة المطيرة، وقد سجل هو وفريقه رقماً قياسياً عالمياً حين استطاعوا تسلق أطول شجرة في العالم. وقد حصل كذلك على العديد من الجوائز المهمة. لقد تخصص في دراسة وتصوير النمل والعناكب والضفادع. له العديد من الكتب القيمة التي حكى فيها تجربته مع كائنات الغابة المطيرة، التي هي مزيج من المغامرات المثيرة وتصوير الطبيعة والبحث العلمي الدءوب، وهو هنا ينقل خبراته القيمة إلى جميع أطفال العالم.

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