Disney Comics #4: Super Duck (سوبر بطوط)

By Nahdet Misr Publishing House

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Disney Comics Arabic Series
Nahdet Misr Publishing House
Age Range:
Elementary school (5-10 Years)
Grade Level:
K-5 Grade

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Super Duck! That is the bright side of Ducky's personality, which is normally lazy, chaotic and bankrupt. We all hear or see or have read stories, which show this negative aspect of Ducky's personality, but this time, we will enter into discovering his hidden personality in a clear way and we will get to know what it's like. In this issue, we will become familiar with Super Duck, the hero, and we will know his problems, feelings, and enemies. This is a complete book that is unparalleled in its field.

«سوبر بطوط».. ذلك الجانب المضىء من شخصية «بطوط» الكسول المفلس الفوضوي. كلنا سمعنا أو شاهدنا أو قرأنا ملامح من هذا الجانب.. لكن هذه المرة سندخل لاكتشاف شخصيته الغامضة بشكل أوضح والتعايش معه. سنعرف فيه «سوبر بطوط» الإنسان ونتعرف على مشكلاته ومشاعره وأعدائه.. كتاب كامل لا ينافسه شيء.

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