Dialogue Between Christians and Muslims Part Three
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- Author:
- Ahmad Von Denffer
- Publisher:
- The Islamic Foundation
- Format:
- Paperback
- Language:
- English
- Age Range:
- Adults
AHMAD VON DENFFER was born in Germany in 1949. He studied Islamics and Social Anthropology at the University of Mainz, where he also attended additional courses in the Department of Missiology. His special interests include Christian-Muslim relations. He has made a number of contributions to scholarly journals and has several publications to his credit. He joined the Islamic Foundation as Research Fellow in 1978 and is presently working with the Islamic Centre, Munich.
The series ofDOCUMENTS ON CHRISTIANITY AND CHRISTIAN-MUSLIM RELATIONS is intended for Muslims who desire to study Christianity and for those who meet Christians in various situations all over the world, ranging from co-operation and dialogue to encounters in the mission field. The series consists of collections of documents, each covering a special theme, considered to be of value for Muslims and assisting them to obtain information from original sources. The series will concentrate on current issues of special concern to Muslims and the collections of documents will be published at convenient intervals.
THE ISLAMIC FOUNDATION is an educational and research organization devoted to making Islam a living reality in our age. For this purpose, it aims to improve human communication and develop a better understanding of Islam among all people of the world, Muslim and non-Muslim, so as to galvanize man to the message and ideal of One God and the unity of mankind, as brought by all the Prophets of God throughout the ages, last of whom was the Prophet Muhammad (blessings of Allah and peace be on him). The Foundation has research units in Islamic Economics, Christian-Muslim Relations, Muslim Central Asia and Literature for Children. Its regular publications include Muslim World Book Review (quarterly), Index of Islamic Literature (quarterly), Soviet Muslims Brief (two-monthly) and FOCUS on Christian-Muslim Relations (monthly).
The series ofDOCUMENTS ON CHRISTIANITY AND CHRISTIAN-MUSLIM RELATIONS is intended for Muslims who desire to study Christianity and for those who meet Christians in various situations all over the world, ranging from co-operation and dialogue to encounters in the mission field. The series consists of collections of documents, each covering a special theme, considered to be of value for Muslims and assisting them to obtain information from original sources. The series will concentrate on current issues of special concern to Muslims and the collections of documents will be published at convenient intervals.
THE ISLAMIC FOUNDATION is an educational and research organization devoted to making Islam a living reality in our age. For this purpose, it aims to improve human communication and develop a better understanding of Islam among all people of the world, Muslim and non-Muslim, so as to galvanize man to the message and ideal of One God and the unity of mankind, as brought by all the Prophets of God throughout the ages, last of whom was the Prophet Muhammad (blessings of Allah and peace be on him). The Foundation has research units in Islamic Economics, Christian-Muslim Relations, Muslim Central Asia and Literature for Children. Its regular publications include Muslim World Book Review (quarterly), Index of Islamic Literature (quarterly), Soviet Muslims Brief (two-monthly) and FOCUS on Christian-Muslim Relations (monthly).