Cookie Is Learning Numbers -تتعلم كوكى الأرقام
By Elias Modern Publishing House
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Elias Modern Publishing House
Cookie Is Learning Numbers -تتعلم كوكى الأرقام
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- Author:
- Stella Blackstone
- Translator:
- Sahar Tawfiq
- Publisher:
- Elias Modern Publishing House
- Format:
- Paperback
- Language:
- Arabic
- Age Range:
- Elementary school (5-10 Years)
- Grade Level:
- K-5 Grade
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هيا نعد مع كوكى من واحد إلى عشرة ، ثم نعد بالعكس من عشرة إلى واحد مرة أخرى..باب واحد كبير..كلبان اثنان صغيران..ثلاثة طيور مغردة..أربعة ضفادع بها بقع
Let's count with Cookie from one to ten, then count backwards from ten to one again...one big door, two, young small dogs, three songbirds, and four frogs with spots!
Let's count with Cookie from one to ten, then count backwards from ten to one again...one big door, two, young small dogs, three songbirds, and four frogs with spots!
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