A Parent's And Teacher's Guide To Treating Speech Disorders Level 1- دليل الوالدين والمعلمين في علاج إضطرابات النطق الجزء الأول
By Nahdet Misr Publishing House
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- Author:
- Aisha Rafi (عائشة رافع)
- Publisher:
- Nahdet Misr Publishing House
- Format:
- Paperback
- Language:
- Arabic
- Age Range:
- Elementary school (5-10 Years)
اضطرابات النطق هي صعوبات في مظاهر الإنتاج الحركي للكلام أو عدم القدرة على إنتاج أصوات كلامية محددة. ويشير هذا التعريف إلى أن تعليم المهارات اللفظية هو عملية اكتسابية ناتجة عن التطور النمائي للقدرة على تحريك أعضاء النطق بطريقة دقيقة وسريعة.
Speech disorders are difficulties in the manifestations of the motor production of speech or the inability to produce specific speech sounds. This definition indicates that teaching verbal skills is an acquisition process resulting from the development of the ability to move the organs of articulation in an accurate and rapid manner. There are two types of speech disorders:
Organic speech disorders: These are due to an imbalance in the speech organs, a disorder in the nervous system, or an imbalance in the auditory system.
Functional speech disorders: These are defined as disorders of unknown source. They may be due to the faulty habituation in the production of the linguistic sound or the failure to alert the child in the stage of sound acquisition to the error of his production of a sound or a group of sounds.
Gums in ragging or whistling sounds are other forms of speech disorders.
The Nature of Speech Disorders
When a person has a speech disorder, it means there are pronunciation errors that appear in his/her speech. These errors take many forms.
Substitution: This is when the target sound is replaced by another sound from the list of the sounds of the spoken language. For example, a person may pronounce “qalam,” “talk,” “walk,” “revolt,” “car,” “stealing or fencing” and other phonetic substitutions that often affect the clarity and comprehension of the linguistic message. Or they may affect the meaning of the spoken word containing the target sound.
Distortion: This means the production of sound in a non-standard or unfamiliar way so that some characteristics of the sound change. This results in a sound that is not on the list of the sounds of the spoken language, but a strange sound that may carry some of the characteristics of the target sound or may not carry any of them at all. Take, for example, the R's lisp. When the sound is pronounced by raising the back of the tongue towards the soft palate and forming a narrowing in that vocal area, instead of producing a repeating "R" from the gum area, it loses the characteristic of vocal repetition and becomes formed in the soft palate area.
Deletion: It is the deletion of the sound in the spoken word without replacing it with another sound, which causes an imbalance in the structural weight of the words, losing its meaning and confusing the listener to understand what is meant. Here, the context may help in understanding the meaning, and this may be difficult if the phonetic ellipses accumulate in successive speech.
Addition: Here, a sound is added to the target word, and the meaning changes accordingly, or it may be closed, and the recipient no longer distinguishes the meaning of the word in its context.
أنواع الاضطرابات النطقية
تأتي الاضطرابات النطقية على نوعين :- اضطرابات نطقية عضوية: وتكون بسبب وجود اختلال في أعضاء النطق أو اختلال في الجهاز العصبي، أو اختلال في الجهاز السمعي .
- اضطرابات نطقية وظيفية: وتعرف بأنها الاضطرابات غير معروفة المصدر، فقد تكون بسبب التعود الخاطئ في إنتاج الصوت اللغوي، أو عدم تنبيه الطفل في مرحلة اكتساب الصوت إلى خطأ إنتاجه لصوت أو مجموعة أصوات، فيستمر الاضطراباب معه حتى بلوغه ويصبح سمة مائزة في كلامه، وهنا تنشأ اللثة في صوت الراء أو أصوات الصفير وغيرها من صور الاضطرابات النطقية
طبيعة اضطرابات النطق
عندما يكون عند الشخص اضطرابات نطقية، فهذا يعني أن هناك أخطاء نطقية تظهر في كلامه، وهذه الأخطاء تأخذ أشكالا متعددة- الإبدال: ويحدث أن يستبدل الصوت الهدف بصوت آخر من قائمة أصوات اللغة المتكلمة، فمثلا قد ينطق الشخص "قلم" "طلم" ، أو "سار" "ثار" ، أو "سيارة""سيالة أو سياغة" وغير ذلك من الاستبدالات الصوتية التي قد تؤثر في أحيان كثيرة على وضوح الرسالة اللغوية وفهما، أو قد تؤثر في تغيير معنى الكلمة المنطوقة المتضمنة الصوت الهدف
- التشويه: ويعني إنتاج الصوت بصورة غير معيارية أو غير مألوفة، بحيث تتغير بعض خصائص الصوت، فيكون الصوت الناتج ليس في قائمة أصوات اللغة المنطوقة بل هو صوت غريب قد يحمل شيئا من خصائص الصوت الهدف وقد لا يحمل أيا منها. من نحو لثغة الراء مثلا عندما ينطق الصوت برفع مؤخر اللسان باتجاه الحنك اللين ويشكل تضييقا في تلك المنطقة النطقية، وبدلا من أن ينتج الراء مكررا من منطقة اللثة، يفقد صفة التكرار النطقي ويغدو متشكلا في منطقة الحنك اللين
- الحذف: وهو حذف الصوت في الكلمة المنطوقة دون التعويض عنه بصوت آخر، مما يحدث خللا في الوزن البنائي للكلمات فيفقدها معناها ويلتبس على السامع فهم المراد، فمثلا قد ينطق المرء كلمة "آب" بدلا من "باب" أو "تاب" بدلا من "كتاب"، هنا قد يساعد السياق في فهم المراد وقد يعسر ذلك إذا تراكمت المحذوفات الصوتية في الكلام المتتابع
- الإضافة: وهنا يضاف صوت إلى الكلمة الهدف فيتغير المعنى تبعا لذلك أو قد يغمض فلا يعود المتلقي يميز معنى الكلمة في سياقها
Speech disorders are difficulties in the manifestations of the motor production of speech or the inability to produce specific speech sounds. This definition indicates that teaching verbal skills is an acquisition process resulting from the development of the ability to move the organs of articulation in an accurate and rapid manner. There are two types of speech disorders:
Organic speech disorders: These are due to an imbalance in the speech organs, a disorder in the nervous system, or an imbalance in the auditory system.
Functional speech disorders: These are defined as disorders of unknown source. They may be due to the faulty habituation in the production of the linguistic sound or the failure to alert the child in the stage of sound acquisition to the error of his production of a sound or a group of sounds.
Gums in ragging or whistling sounds are other forms of speech disorders.
The Nature of Speech Disorders
When a person has a speech disorder, it means there are pronunciation errors that appear in his/her speech. These errors take many forms.
Substitution: This is when the target sound is replaced by another sound from the list of the sounds of the spoken language. For example, a person may pronounce “qalam,” “talk,” “walk,” “revolt,” “car,” “stealing or fencing” and other phonetic substitutions that often affect the clarity and comprehension of the linguistic message. Or they may affect the meaning of the spoken word containing the target sound.
Distortion: This means the production of sound in a non-standard or unfamiliar way so that some characteristics of the sound change. This results in a sound that is not on the list of the sounds of the spoken language, but a strange sound that may carry some of the characteristics of the target sound or may not carry any of them at all. Take, for example, the R's lisp. When the sound is pronounced by raising the back of the tongue towards the soft palate and forming a narrowing in that vocal area, instead of producing a repeating "R" from the gum area, it loses the characteristic of vocal repetition and becomes formed in the soft palate area.
Deletion: It is the deletion of the sound in the spoken word without replacing it with another sound, which causes an imbalance in the structural weight of the words, losing its meaning and confusing the listener to understand what is meant. Here, the context may help in understanding the meaning, and this may be difficult if the phonetic ellipses accumulate in successive speech.
Addition: Here, a sound is added to the target word, and the meaning changes accordingly, or it may be closed, and the recipient no longer distinguishes the meaning of the word in its context.