A Pearl from Heaven - لؤلؤة من السماء

By Nahdet Misr Publishing House

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Samah Abu Bakr Ezzat (سماح ابو بكر عزت)
Sahar Abdullah (سَحَر عبد الله)
Nahdet Misr Publishing House
Age Range:
Elementary school (5-10 Years);Pre-K - 2nd Level (2-5 Years)
Grade Level:
K-5 Grade;1-6 Grade

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A giril named Sama is characterized by a sweet voice and is skilled in the Arabic language, but some of her schoolmates often deliberately bully her, which leads her to feel sad. Her grandmother tells her that pearls are formed when the oyster is exposed to an irritant such as sand particles that are able to penetrate through. The oyster feels uncomfortable and perhaps even pain but from these tears the pearl beads are formed. Sama learns how to face her classmates with confidence and fortitude.

سماء تتميز بصوت عذب ومهارة فى اللغة العربية ولكن بعض زميلاتها فى المدرسة يتعمدن دائما التنمر بها مما دفعها للشعور بالحزن ، ولكن جدتها تخبرها بأن حبات اللؤلؤ تتكون عندما تتعرض المحارة لأذى وتخترقها ذرات الرمل تشعر بالألم وتبكى ، ومن هذه الدموع تتكون حبات اللؤلؤ لذلك تعلمت سماء أن تواجه زميلاتها بثقة وثبات

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